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72hr Jam 2023 Panhandle 72hr Version

A tiny, Cloak-style 1CP map made for 4v4 and other small skirmishes!

It's a beautiful morning in a remote part of the Oklahoma Panhandle... The sun is shining, the birds are singing... and the mercs are already blowing each other up at 8:30 in the goddamn morning. Typical...


CP-Panhandle is my attempt of making a more-serious "Cloak" style 1CP map with a focus on small team sizes (specifically 4v4, and maybe Ultiduo). The map takes place in a small warehouse that services and holds spare parts for various farm machinery. And just like everything else Zepheniah Mann owned, even this tiny facility was split 50/50 between his sons. Talk about petty!


Don't be fooled by the lone control point; this is no KOTH map! Instead, like in Cloak, the control point has a long cap time but immediately wins the round once captured, making for a more quasi-Arena gamemode.


Spawn doors are also one-way, though unlike Cloak, there is a supply locker inside if you get damaged by a spawn-camper, and it's got a respawn room volume allowing you to properly change classes. You can't revisit the supply locker once you leave, but you can at least grab the small pickups lingering outside.


The main gimmick of this map is a pretty simple one: a single conveyor belt pushing you to the point. (That door doesn't open; the warehouse area is just for decoration, hence why it's a lot dimmer back there.)


Worried about Stalemates? I've got you covered! If the timer at the top reaches zero and the cap reverts all the way back to zero, all players are Marked for Death for the rest of the round and respawn times are increased from a mere 5 seconds to a much more painful 20. It's not quite Arena Mode, but dying at that point certainly won't be pleasant, as it'd basically be a free-ride for the survivors to take the point.


This is my first ever map to feature an actual 3D skybox! You won't get too many glimpses of it unless you do a lot of explosive jumping or no-clipping, but it's there and hopefully gives the illusion that I know what the fuck I'm doing of a full cohesive world beyond those warehouse walls.


I'll be honest, I know I should've actually playtested the map with humans, and I didn't version number it correctly, but with less than 50 hours of work (factoring in that I had a shift eating up 8 of those hours on Friday, as well as needing to get sleep and run errands), I wanted something that at least looks nice and presentable for the Jam, so I basically "Leeroy Jenkins"ed through the entire development process. As such, I'm not really expecting to win any Saxxys or anything for this... It's finished, but without thorough playtesting, it might not necessarily be well-balanced...

But I WILL say I'm actually really proud how this map came out, both in terms of aesthetics and in terms of logic! It's also quite a lot of fun with bots! The .NAV file is included and is slightly modified to keep bots from trying to re-enter spawn.

(If you want to try your hand at fixing the project, the decompiled VMF is also in the zip)
First release
Last update
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