Changelog: * Raised entire final control point area by 256 hammer units. * Final control point should now be more easily defendable. + Added a house opposite of the second control point. + Added rocks around the cliff area at the second control point.
Changelog: * Changed middle route between the final and second points to have two smaller exits towards the second point, and one larger exit to the final point. + Added one-way door to one of the defenders' entrance's to the garage route to make the final point more easy to defend. * Changed high-ground route between final and second points to have two exits towards second. * Fixed respawn times? + Added crates behind truck at second. - Removed herobrine.
Changelog: + Added glass windows to some walls. * Changed connector between second and last points. * Modified respawn wave times. + Bzzzt, buzz, bsst, kzz-zzzt.
Changelog: + Re-added doors between second and final points. + Added clip brushes to smooth cliff paths up to the mid point. * Changed path to the right of spawn at final points. * Widened highground path between last and second points. * Fixed magical gravity defying barrel from floating in mid-air. * Rescheduled trains.
Changelog: - Removed setup time. * Changed the middle entrance into last. - Removed doors between second and last points. * Fixed a missing clip brush. * Improved train collision. * Made connectors wider and more spacious. - Reduced the amount of ammo and health in the map.
* Fixed visible nodraw surface.
- Removed health kits from the mid-point bridges.
* Demoted full health kit underneath mid-point to medium sized.
* Lowered middle exit between mid and second to reduce sniper sightlines.
* Reduced respawn times.
* Fixed RED forward spawn door prop not being parented to the correct door brush.
* Second point should now be more defendable.
* Changed medium ammopacks near second point to small.
+/* Added and changed a few routes between points.
* Lowered medium health/ammo packs in final points to small.
* Fixed final points not using the correct warning type.
* Changed the area under the mid point.
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