Holy Mother of Mackerel.

This took a long time to make!
But the effort was worth it!

Thanks to your Feedback on the Server, I was able to fix so many Major issues. Some of which I already knew of. Others not.

So thanks for helping me make this map one step closer to done!

A Special thanks to erk and 14bit for going though everything and testing the map with me and all of you!

Color Meanings:
Fixed/Changed - Blue
Added - Green
Removed - Red

Now let's get to the actual Update:
  • Fixed the Issue where you could Spam Stickies over the Viewing-Fence over to BLU Spawn
  • Made all Lanterns 'Not Solid', so People don't get stuck on them anymore
  • Fixed the getting stuck on the Dropdown Door Issue
  • More or less fixed the too high up path_track entities (the cart doesn't hover over the ground as much now)
  • Fixed the height of some walls so heavy can no longer just shoot over them without conflict
  • Removed a couple lights from the BLU upper area, so it doesn't get too bright
  • Extended the end of the Map a bit (map's larger yay)
  • Changed the last Point completely so it's less easy to Spam it
  • Fixed the HDR lighting issues/made some lights less bright so they don't burn holes in your retinas
  • Made the Map less Flat towards the beginning and end
  • The Points are no longer visible from eachother. (fixed the sightlines a bit)
  • Made the cart in the second flank route Solid
  • Added Patches to where Health and Ammo respawn
  • Added at least two more routes, one of which is pretty damn huge
  • Added some Displacement Maps to make the Floating Bridge Supports, not float
  • Added way more Ammo to the Mix! / Replaced some small ammo with medium Ammo!
  • Added a small Building with an Ammo pack and some defence for RED (looks kinda simular to the one on Upward)
  • Added a small Background Track to make it feel more alive/more like a mine
Known Issues / Future Plans:

-Make the lighting less flat
-Making the Points more evenly spaced apart
Making the lights slightly different Colors, so that the lighting doesn't seem too flat
-Making the first RED Spawn locked after the second Point is capped and opened when BLU caps the third Point, so it can be used by BLU
Adding Windows to BLU Spawn for BLU to look out of
-Adding more Displacements and replacing all dev-texture

Whew. That was quite a lot! Now onwards to some Images showing of the new Version!

Top-Down Map of Mine Map A12 - Mid 12

First BLU Spawn - Still a bit bland

The left Door of BLUs first spawn

The Back Area leading up to the viewing window

Viewing Window Plattform, now with rails and a wall to cover up the light, so you can see the opponents outside better

Outside of BLUs Spawn

Ontop of the first Hill

New Area (left) and small Bridge Cave (right)

New Area (towards bridge)

New Area (away from Bridge)

Bridge Cavern with entrance to the first New Area

Entrance from Bridge to first New Area

Displacement Mapped Walls (Route leading to Bridge) (this is just a test for Displacements)

Other side of this Route

Alternate Route (left) and slope leading up to the Second Control Point (middle)

Alternate Route (bottom)

Alternate Route (top)

Second Control Point

Second New Area (left) and Usual Route (right)

Stairs leading down into the second New Area with a Medium Ammopack (here covered by Stairs)

Entrance to the second New Area!

Second New Area!

Second New Area (right) and Exit over to an area near RED Spawn (left)

Drop Down Entrance with Medium Ammopack

Viewing Fence from RED to BLU-Side

The Third Control Point

Background Area (left) and new small Building (middle)

New small Building from behind (left) and Slope Leading to the Drop Down (right)

Drop Down Area and RED Spawn (middle) and Entrance to the second New Area (bottom, right)

Drop Down Area (the cart automatically rolls forward when it goes over the downward part of this part of the rail)

Look down the Drop Down Hole (second New Area visible)

Inside RED Spawn

As a Bonus: Top-Down comparison between A11 - Mid 10 and A12 - Mid 12

v10 - mid 10 VS v12 - mid 12.gif

(this entire update post took 3 hours to make)


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-Fixed the Setupdoor sticking through the Roof
-Fixed the Jaggid Stairs
-Made a couple func_detail
+Added two Displacements to the map (for testing purposes)
+Added a couple props
-Added a new corridor for Access to the Second Point

Known Issues/Future Plans:
-Add the second flank route for the third Point and last Point
-Forgot to remove setupdoor (still clipping through roof)
-Fixed the Spawndoors not opening.

Known Bugs:
- Setupdoors going thought the Roof and into the upper Window area (probably gonna remove them in the next update)
Added another Exit for BLU.
Added more lights :D
Re-compiled with higher lightmap scale and final HDR compile preset.

Added more lights!
Added some Detail.
Fixed some Problems with the Cart.
Fixed the Spawns