This will probably be the last update of this iteration of the map.
I had a good idea but made it way too Small.

I'm gonna reboot the map! From Scratch while using the Feedback I got from this Version to improve the new Version i'm gonna try to work on for the next couple of weeks!

Let's hope this will turn out better!

This Small, probably last update includes:

  • Made the Mineshaft Supports unsolid


Just a quick update meant to fix some Major issues!
  • The First RED Spawn Doors closing and locking People in when the first Point is captured
  • Something else I forgot
Just a Small patch that's suppose to fix an issue I encountered while working on the map (no Major changes, sorry).

All this Patch includes is:

  • Completely reworked/smoother path_tracks
  • Some adjusted very slightly Geometry
  • Some Optimization
Happy Testing!
A lot of tweaks and fixes in this one!

This update includes:

  • Added a lotta signs so RED knows where to go
  • Added a Window in BLUs first spawn to Showcase a Small part of the mine behind them
  • Added a new way to get up to the Full-Healthkit and Full-Ammopack on the Plattform near REDs First Spawn
  • Some minor Optimization
  • Fixed a multitude of Bugs
  • Made RED unable to enter REDs first Spawn when the first Point is capped
  • Changed the Respawn time after the third Point is capped from 20 to somewhere around 10 seconds for BLU
  • Changed the distance of the second Point a bit (all Points are evenly spaced now!)
  • Tweaked the lighting a bit
  • Fixed the issue where BLU could enter the lower RED Spawn
  • Made the Floor of the Drop´-Down Bottom Black (so People know it's a death pit)
  • Disabled Shadows for (i think) all Rails
  • Fixed the issue where you could shoot through the crates near BLU Spawn
  • Made the Door (leading to the Flank) by the end of the Wooden Hallway not usable by BLU until the first Point is capped (RED can use the Door anytime)
Happy Testing!
This update would've been impossible to make but thanks to the People on the #mapping-help Chat on the Discord I was able to make this build less bug filled and working!

A Special thanks to @Pdan4! He helped me the most!

Another shoutout to @youporkchop5, @KubeKing and Mr. Burguers#4073!
They also helped me fix a couple annoying glitches and Bugs I was encountering!

Some Images:

Top Down Map of Mine Map Alpha 13 - Mid 11

The Window behind BLU Spawn, showing part of the Mine

The door that opens up for BLU as well after the first Point is captured

The new open ceiling by the First RED Spawn Flank

Second Point with a new way up to the top of that plattform


Inside the Small Shaft

On top of the plattform

Third Point

RED Spawn at Drop-Down with new Skylight!
Quick Patch for some Minor Issues:
  • Fixed the issue where you could shoot through the wooden boxes near BLUs First Spawn
  • Made the Mineshaft Supports Non-Solid so Players stop running into them
Just the same Version re-rendered with HDR Final.

(and the lower RED Spawn Door now moves upwards)
This update includes:
  • Bigger Drop Down Area
  • Small Nesting Spot
  • More lights!
  • Added a blocking wall and a small rising path between second and third Point
  • Added another RED Spawn in the Lower Area
  • Added another test displacement :D
  • Added proper 24 Player Support
  • Added a couple props to BLU Spawn since it was too bland
  • Removed a fence
  • Removed the Trapdoor Flank entirely since People always got stuck in it (and it wasn't really useful anyways)
  • Probably other stuff I forgot about
Have fun!
(The full update's gonna be a Final HDR Render)

Some Images:

Second Point | Small Displacement Map Test (front), New Blockades (back)
mine_map_a13_mid_2 (1).png

Small Building (front), New Sniper-Spot, New Payload Tracks and New Blockades (back)
mine_map_a13_mid_2 (2).png

New Lower RED Spawn (also 24-Player Support)
mine_map_a13_mid_2 (8).png

Inside Upper RED Spawn | Walkway for RED down into the Lower Spawn
mine_map_a13_mid_2 (5).png

Looking down the Walkway
mine_map_a13_mid_2 (6).png

Looking into the (currently very empty) lower RED Spawn
mine_map_a13_mid_2 (7).png

Drop Down | Larger Area/More Verticality
mine_map_a13_mid_2 (3).png

New Sentry Nest Area near Drop Down (small rope Test yay)
mine_map_a13_mid_2 (4).png
This update includes:
  • Slight optimization
  • Adjusted the light_enviroment
  • Adjusted the timer to make the map a bit more fair
  • Extended the Wooden Hallway by a lot
  • Slightly adjusted the pitch of the light Pointing at the cart prop near BLUs first Spawn
  • Replaced all the Patch Decals with overlays
  • Fixed the bug where the TrapDoor Flank Door wouldn't open if too many People went inside of it together
  • Added like 2 or 3 Ammo- and or Healthpacks (i don't quite remember)
  • Changed the textures of the Wooden Hallway to be concrete (t thought it fit a bit better to BLU)
  • Added a Door at the end of the Wooden Hallway which leads into the alternate path leading to the second Point
  • Moved the wall of the Trapdoor Flank near the third Point a bit to reduce the huge sniper sightline (and to optimize the map a bit too)
  • Added more lights​
And maybe some other stuff I forgot about!
Have some Images!

BLUs First Spawn, Upper Area
hl2 2018-05-13 00-17-52-35.png

Outside of the Upper Area Exit
hl2 2018-05-13 00-18-00-29.png

Extended Part of the Wooden Hallway (left), Shortcut to Bridge (middle)
hl2 2018-05-13 00-18-07-66.png

Outside of the Extended Wooden Hallway
hl2 2018-05-13 00-18-23-29.png

End of the Extended Wooden Hallway with a Door leading to the Second Point Flank (the door can be opened from either side)
hl2 2018-05-13 00-18-13-98.png

Slightly adjusted lighting near the small building
hl2 2018-05-13 00-18-54-53.png

A new Medipack near the DropDown Area
hl2 2018-05-13 00-18-47-74.png

Top Down Photo of A12 - Mid 15

Map of A12 - Mid 15 with names and markings
Just a small update which compresses the map, to reduce FILE SIZE
Bigger, better and more of it!

This Update includes:
  • Fixed the Issue in which the Cart would get stuck on the first slope downwards at BLU Spawn (i moved the path_track a bit farther away from the edge) [strangely enought this issue didn't occur while testing]
  • Made the Minecart in the alternative Route, by the second Control Point solid
  • Changed the Skybox to sky_hydro_01
  • Adjusted and added a lot of playerclip brushes to reduce the number of Players getting stuck on props
  • Redid the entire track because of a small bug that prevented the cart to stop at a Point (i am not exaggerating here: this took 5 hours to fix, thanks to @DrSquishy and @Pdan4 for assisting me in these desperate times of need)
  • Added 3 Medium and one Small Ammopack. (One behind the Grid on the Drop Down, one in the lower area under RED Spawn, one behind the Crates after the first slope downward and the small one in the wooden hallway by BLU Spawn )
  • Added a small healthkit behind the Crates after the first slope downward
  • Added a third Exit for BLU in the upper area which directly leads into the wooden hallway
  • Added a couple lights to some dark Areas
  • Added a PlayerClip to the Roof of REDs last Respawn
  • Added a couple more lights to make some Areas less dark
  • Added a small window to BLU Spawn
  • Added a light onto the minecart at BLUs Spawn so the large Ammopack (which is part of the prop) isn't as noticable
And other small improvements and fixes that I forgot to mention -w-

Known Issues / Future Plans:
  • Add more Verticality
  • Add at least one more route
  • Distribute the Points a bit more evenly
  • Distribute the Healh and Ammopacks a bit more evenly
  • Make both RED and BLU have equal chances at winning
  • Optimize the Map
  • Giving it a proper Name
Some Images:

Upper Area of BLU Spawn, now with the new exit
hl2 2018-05-12 03-34-51-02.png

The Wooden Hallway has been widened
hl2 2018-05-12 03-34-43-66.png

Slightly adjusted lighting and prop positioning
hl2 2018-05-12 03-34-35-25.png

Smoother lighting and overall better Atmosphere
hl2 2018-05-12 03-35-10-58.png

The small Building with some more lights pointing towards it
hl2 2018-05-12 03-35-47-64.png

The Area below RED Spawn houses on of the new Medium Ammopacks
hl2 2018-05-12 03-35-32-65.png

The Drop Down Area.
hl2 2018-05-12 03-35-41-70.png

Top Down Image of this Map

That's it for now
Have a neat day!


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