Marooner's Bay

Marooner's Bay A5a

Readded cabinets to red spawn

Added new health and ammo kits near mid (might move them closer to team spawns for more of an advantage to attacking teams)

Removed buildings to open up the path toward the flank towards mid
Wow its been a while for this map to get some changes...

This update for Marooner's bay includes the following

Destroyed a massive sniper sight line at mid due to how much range sniper had in the previous versions
Got rid of the main flank path at mid
Started to detail the map more
Got rid of the overhangs around the main paths​


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People didn't notice the medium health packs on the map so I decided to double up for more health

Added hazard tape to make capture area a bit more obvious

Clipped roof above the cap
This Update for Marooner's bay includes the following:

  • Reworked the the layout for the map, to divert the "ring around the rosey" like gameplay
  • Added a building to house the control point and to provide cover
  • Enlarged the spawn rooms for aesthetics and for future detailing
  • Began to detail in some areas
  • Made the spawn courtyards smaller
Developer's notes: I have a good feeling with the current layout as I believe it will encourage flanking less than the previous version, I am currently considering the possibility of submitting this map for competitive play for even more feedback.


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Version for the next imp, as the previous version was skipped during the last imp
This update of Marooner's Bay includes the following changes:

General changes:
  • The start of Art passing the map to fit its given name
  • made dark rooms lighter
  • fixed patches for vital Health and ammo

Remade spawn rooms:
  • Removed 3rd exit due to lack of use
  • Added an additional spawn points for a total of 16 players per team
  • Moved Resupply lockers
  • fixed an issue regarding my use of clipping
Layout changes:
  • Broke up sight-lines by creating new buildings.
  • changed middle path from spawn
  • changed displacements slightly
  • Added cover on vital points on map near mid
NOTES: I have finally decided what I want most of the Art-pass will look like, however this will take some time, however bear with me because my first "Beta" map suffered from me knowing what the map is supposed to look like, but trying to work around that, meanwhile this time I am working on map first and Art-pass second. Also I just noticed that this map shares its name from a Splatoon 2 map... Heh heh, what a coincidence...

Special thanks to both @Hipster_Duck and those participating in yesterday's IMP test for giving feedback for me to update this map to the current version. :medal:


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Thanks again to @Heroriks for pointing out some more flaws for this minor update!

Fixed Red being able to spawn in Blu's spawn room

Fixed texture errors on flank routes.

fixed control point outline texture

Added cover to flank route.
Special thanks to @Heroriks for pointing out the issues with my map to help me make this update possible!

Changes to Marooner's bay include:

  • Remaking both of the team's respawn rooms to try and alleviate possible spawn camping
  • Reworked routes prone to sniper sight-lines
  • Added a new route to each of the team's stairwell rooms for ease of flanking the other team. (if this change is too powerful, I am willing to change this route for the better.)
  • Removed the weird brushwork from before

Hope you enjoy this new version of my map!


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