redone spawn areas to better fit the theme changed medium health kit to a small health kit under the point fixed clipping issues fixed some texture issues clipped off some inaccessible areas
added small shacks to create more cover around the control point and make the area feel less open changed health kit from a full to a medium and added small ammo pack under the capture point bridge added lighting in indoor areas as well as around the capture point to brighten up the map fixed lighting glitch in red spawn made crates on capture point symmetrical
completely redone skyboxes hopefully improved performance overall opened up the control point to add new ways to capture and defend the point added props to block off some sightlines
raised spawn room heights to eliminate extreme lowground added fencing around spawn doors to prevent spawn camping lowered balcony height to prevent player from taking unnecessary fall damage placed props to visualize clipped off routes changed medium health packs to small health packs at mid clipped walls added/changed texture brushing
removed/changed broken parts of the map to allow for playtesting