koth king of the train

koth king of the train a6a

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koth king of the train a6a

my first map: a small koth map

this is my first map. please let me know if there are problems with the file or if you have suggestions. more to come hopefully.
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

Latest updates

  1. a6a

    KOTT a6a change log Light_envierment brightness changed from 250 to 400
  2. A6

    KOTT A6 change log: Raised spawn roof. Redid spawn points Removed fences around upper supply cabinet & replaced spawn room fence with wall Redid point (most of it) [adding more room] Removed the door in point building Added a covered platform in...
  3. a5

    A5 change log: Rearranged spawn pos Hopefully koth logic is fixed Redid balconies to be more spacious Added a new exit into the building on the point from the big room Added a door to the point building