yeah that's pretty much it.
-did lots of detailing
-did lots of optimization
-did lots of clipping
-fixed lighting errors
-removed stairs near point to make point harder to defend
-detailing changes
-was very cool
-made lots of changes in order to make map feel less cramped
-changed health kit next to death pit near mid back to a small
-made lots of detailing changes
-optimization changes
-clipping changes
-went on vacation for a little bit.
-made lots of optimization changes
-did more detailing
-improved lighting
-improved sky box
-improved cubemaps
-added new out of bounds area

You might notice that the filename uses "_b017" instead of
"_b17" this is because there were problems building cubemaps when the map's name was "koth_crumble_b17." Idk why that was the case, but when I changed the name it worked again so you'll have to deal with "_b017" for now.
-did more detailing
-did more clipping
-did something else vague
-messed with lightmaps and stuff
-improved skybox
-changed up geometry near mid in order to make it less cramped
-fixed some lighting problems
-did some detailing
-added more lights
-added 2 new spectator cameras
-changed which spectator camera players see when they load into the map
-aligned some fence props that weren't previously aligned
-removed ammo pack near the death pit next to mid to make camping there as engineer harder
-changed placement of a wall near mid to make it easier to attack players in death pit area
-did some clipping
I've already done this. NOW THIS ONE SHOULD BE THE RIGHT ONE.