Changes in this version:​

  • Added triggers to remove on cap kritz
  • Added glow to the active goal zone to aid players
  • Added ramps to allow players to approach the goal and score from the water side
Unfortunately, nothing can be done about removing the vestigial Passtime HUD as it's hard-coded and nothing can seem to remove it.

Changes in this version:​

  • Changed single goal directly on mid into two separate goals.
    • The single goal in the previous version was too easy to for players to simply run in and score even through enemy fire; they had just enough health to do a suicide throw. In this version, I've split the goal into two and positioned them so players have to cross the point area into the enemy's side of mid order to score. This should allow defenders to set up a bit more and will hopefully prevent these kind of captures.
  • Fixed some minor areaportal issues.

Screenshots of changes:​
