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Kennecott A5

Pyramid CP in Alaskan mine

My submission to the Rule of Three's Contest (both minor and major if possible).

Kennecott is a gravel-pit style map whose location is inspired by the abandoned Kennecott mines in Alaska. I'd like to think the map is a unique take on the pyramid CP style, and hopefully proves itself enjoyable to play.

Please enjoy and leave feedback to help me better refine the map for it's contest deadlines. Things like health and ammo, lighting, and more is subject to change.

Credits So Far:

- A Boojum Snark's Mapping Resource Pack (game mode logic)





First release
Last update
Capture Points

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Latest updates

  1. Kennecott A5 Update

    Kennecott A5 Update: Changes: - Transformed the outdoor ground into displacements - Slightly narrowed various hallways including the main approach route to C point - Slightly shrunk door size (the door next to B point in particular) -...
  2. Kennecott A4

    Kennecott Alpha 4 Update: A relatively large update to polish up the map as we approach the contest deadline. Changes: - Fixed bug where swimming in the water near B point could result in an error - Added new overhead structure to B point to...
  3. Kennecott A3: A quick-fix after some filename issues

    Kennecott A3 Update: I realized that yesterdays upload of A2A was somewhat broken on my end, consistently loading the A2 version of this map. I realized that there was an issue with the file name, and eventually resolved the issue. This is a...