Hotfix Update removed stray brush clip textured some parts of the maps error fixes
added a small window on the final point wall added extra medium ammo and healthkit on last added a small cover on the main entrance towards last added a barrel on last fixed error model re-added the cover on 2nd point blocked long sightlines that goes through last lobby and mid added small healthkit near 2nd point added block bullets on some areas near 2nd other error fixes small optimizations some artpass on mid
widen up the area on last made the last area more brighter fixed the broken shutter door going through the last lobby added extra spectator cameras on last expanded one of the routes towards last a big boom at last artpassed the exterior of the 2nd spawnroom fixed the unusual hole in one of the buildings jumper classes can not see through the interior of the side route when jumping from above added more see through on the mid point disabled shadows on all security fence props respawn wave times adjusted miscellaneous changes
Capture point area on last adjusted added a shutter door towards the lobby added a "surprise" after winning the map A lot of changes on the 2nd point removed barrels moved the cover made the side door way wider blocked long sightline made the ramps solid to projectile closed off the window on mid added some overlays some art pass on spawn rooms more textures adjustment error fixes
made final point capture time to 3 seconds added a detail structure to the last point expanded cap area for a little bit clipped the railing in the point widen up some routes going through second point removed the arch geometry behind second point adjusted the cliffwalls near second point added more space around the second point itself expanded the alcove for a little bit expanded some doors added more textures moved some health and ammo pickups added back observer points added some more lighting error fixes
A hotfix update fixed the stair bug patched some exploit spots added more textures added more overlays added some OOB detailing changed cap time of 2nd from 6 seconds to 7 seconds changed cap time of mid from 11 seconds to 12 seconds other miscellaneous changes
added barrels at mid added func_nobuild at mid added a side platform at 2nd and expanded the alcove made the basement/lower ground route smaller and tight through last removed some obstructions at last point changed/adjusted/removed some pickups and healthkit on the map added some textures added small details expanded some doors added more overlays
Mid Point added textures small layout adjustment on the capzone added lights under the point 2nd Point clean up the area behind the point added a small alcove and move ammo pack there added a barrel for cover and other uses lights can't pass through displacement cliffs anymore removed small health pack added textures Last Point connected the previously disconnected lobbies made the roofs taller lower ground route adjusted blocking the empty vertical space high ground route adjusted removing the solid cover and replacing it with a slight cover removed some pickups and moved some pickups adjusted some pickups into small or medium added some signs general error and miscellaneous fixes
Mid changes adjusted the bridges/platform around the point carved the upper layer of the point added grate texture to see through the lower layer of the point displacement in the point smoothen 2nd Point changes changed the cover from a prop into a func_detail displacement routes smoothen Last Point changes blocked the very long sightline lower ground route adjusted to not deal a lot of fall damage high ground route adjusted to give more space lobby area extended by a bit ramps going through the last point changed into stairs remove medium health pack - general error and miscellaneous fixes
adjusted layout of mid remove some clutter adjusted mid building connecting it to the flank building made the main route through mid an underpass, replacing the wired fence 2nd Point adjustments inverse the position of the watch tower removed more clutter slight adjustments on one of the routes added some cover removed problematic sightlines Last Point Adjustments removed the 2nd highground shorten some routes, closing one opening lobby area slightly adjusted low ground flank route layout changed General Adjustments Pickup positions adjusted small detailing added out of bounds area adjusted removed some pickups error and miscellaneous fixes