fixed a missing setup gate
Gameplay changes: narrowed down mid and closed off one route rerouted the cave flank to prevent bypassing mid rerouted the GANTRY crane flank to prevent bypassing lobby added more space between the first and second viaduct added a roof over parts of the moving train route removed the tall containers from mid moved the GANTRY crane and the hanging container Non-gameplay changes: adjusted soundscape proxies added basic 3d skybox because why not
Game mode and general changes: added setup gates and a setup time (45s) shortened flag return time (40s->20s) upon picking up a neutral flag, added a forced respawn of the defending team (possibly) fixed the dynamic respawn time logic improved signage rearranged a few pickups Base changes: fixed a misaligned visualizer moved the GANTRY crane and the hanging container Cap changes: moved the capture point to a harder to reach location added an additional staircase linking the capture area and the gallery lifted up the whole gallery by a bit Lower lobby changes: reshaped the lifted platform opened up a path from the lower ground, through the wooden roof, to the gallery Upper lobby changes: opened up a passage through the second viaduct to the lower lobby shifted the tall cargo a little bit (next to the open container) Mid changes: shifted both halves of the map relative to each other added a glass window to the open container added an additional steppy on the ramp leading to viaduct