• Fixed robots not being ubered in the forward spawn
  • Fixed money getting stuck in the forward spawn
  • Added another forward upgrade station
  • Edited included advanced missions to start at the forward spawn on the last wave
- fixed money getting stuck in the "flank" spawn
Reuploaded to fix an issue in the included population files causing tanks to spawn in an incorrect place.
  • Fixed Engineer buildings not being destroyed when robots forward spawn is enabled
  • Added relays to enable/disable nobuild on the godrock ("relay_godrock_nobuild_enable" and "relay_godrock_nobuild_disable")
  • Fixed reflections in cave
  • Added proper menu photos
- Added optional forward spawn for robots in the mouth of the cave: mission makers can force the RED team outside
- Vscript is utilized on my end to move entities around and make this possible
  • Added two new spawn points for robots: "flank" (tank spawn point) and "cave_entrance" (mouth of cave, new forward spawn to push red back)
  • Fixed an instance where the skybox texture was visible through blue cave fog
  • Added nav areas to the "godrock"
  • Adjusted lighting in "flank" spawn
  • Adjusted clipping
  • Added the funny banana from Mannhattan
  • Fixed z-fighting near the cave exit
  • Removed redundant/unnecessary cubemap entities

Known Issues:
  • Reflections on the cave walls are still a bit too intense
  • When using the forward spawn, robots will not initially be ubered