Moved health packs and ammo packs up so they aren't blocked by teleporters
Added point_spotlight to the lights in the control point 2 building in stage 2, the lights in the pillbox building in the beginning of stage 3 and to the light inside of reds spawn in stage 1
Fixed another point_spotlight on a spotlight prop between the gated tunnel exit and control point B in stage 2
Fixed flickering seams in a few displacements
Fixed misaligned geometry in a few displacements
Fixed weird dark shadows on a building in stage 1 near reds spawn
Changed unseen faces into nodraws for optimization
Optimized some things inside the double tunnels in stage 2
Undid most of the changes i did when starting out making the map such as moving the window and door in reds left spawn room to the side on stage 3, removing a roof under a grain conveyor above the 2nd capture point on stage 1 and so on
Changed the name of the map from cp_dustbowl_fix to cp_dustbowl_upd
Added toolsblack brushes to 2 gutter pipe props on last stage to fix being able to see through them and just to make it look less weird
Added collision to the cap1_fence_block outside of reds first spawn in stage 1
Added blocklight brushes to resupply lockers so they have a shadow
Aligned misaligned textures around the map
Aligned props to the floor and tables so they aren't floating in the office building on stage 2
Made some brushes into displacements outside of reds spawn in stage 2
Fixed a point_spotlight not being visible between the gated tunnel exit and control point B in stage 2 because of it being inside the light prop
Fixed a health pack's shadow showing up on a wall it wasn't supposed to in stage 3 a level above the "sniper house"
Fixed a dotted line shadow on the roof of reds first spawn
Changed light_environment back to Live TF2 lighting settings
Changed the outer (fading) angle from 30 to 75 on most light_spot's under lamp001 props
Changed some lightmaps to be lower in some areas that could use more sharp shadows
Changed the displacements i added above blues first spawn to match what it used to look like in a pre-release version. Specifically the one with the pyro on stage 1 outside the control point A building.
Changes with some cubemaps and parallax-corrected cubemaps
Improved displacement alignment to fix seams and misaligned lightmaps
Improved block bullets brush between the alleys and control point B on stage 3
Improved clipping around the map
Improved nav mesh
Undid some gameplay changes i made when first starting off making the map, for example red spawning only on the right spawn on last stage untill the first control point is capped
Enabled shadows on more props
Removed some of my custom textures
Removed some unneeded brushes
Removed props that i added when i firts started making the map and re added 1 prop i got rid of
Restored displacements that i changed when i first started making the map
Restored func_respawnroomvisualizer's so it's behind the door like Live TF2 and TF2C
Changed the geometry of brushes around the map to make it so there are less tris
Made faces that can't be seen into nodraws
Added a areaportalwindow in the window in the Alleys in stage 3
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