Dustbowl Fixed & Improved TF2Classic Version

Multi Stage Dustbowl Fixed & Improved TF2Classic Version 1.15.0

  • Improved the navmesh
  • Lowered the brightness of a few lights on last stage near the 1st control point
  • Lowered all control points lights brightness
  • Made some reflective windows on last stage near 1st control point less reflective
  • Fixed stage 2 doors into blue spawn not being thick enough to prevent pyro from firing through
  • Improved some clipping
  • Fixed skybox light leaking through on a brush that it shouldn't
  • Enabled shadows on some more props that i missed
  • Optimization
  • Fixed up some Textures being aligned weirdly
  • Did some small changes in Red's last left spawn room
  • Added more displacements near the first control point on stage 1
  • Fixed an overlay missing
  • Improved some reflective floors a small bit
  • Increased the fade distance on 2 props
  • Removed the sun in the 3d skybox and replaced it with a env_sun
  • Increased fade distance to props that started to fade a bit to early
  • Improved out of bounds displacements outside of red's first spawn
  • Aligned walls with window props so they don't overlap with each other
  • Some small optimizations around the map
  • Fixed dark displacements on stage 1 inside one of the mines
  • Improved the textures on the mine entrances to blue's second spawn on stage 2
  • Aligned the 3d skybox train better with the train on last stage
  • Lowered the envmaptint on all the reflective windows
  • Fixed some overlays not showing up in the cubemaps
- Cleaned up clipping around the map
  • Added new displacements and Improved my "old" displacements all over the map
  • Fixed up some props
  • Improved some road overlays not being aligned with each other
  • Improved some Minor clipping
  • Added a wood wall out of bounds near red's 2nd spawn
  • Lowered envmaptint on some reflective textures
  • Improved Parallax corrected cubemaps around the map
  • Changed up red's first spawn up a small bit
- fixed a mistake with blues setup time doors on last stage having no collision
  • Fixed lighting being the normal tf2 dustbowl lighting and now it has the same lighting as tf2classic's dustbowl
  • Improved Fade distance on some props
  • Alligned some props to the floor and align a prop to the wall correctly
  • Fixed overlapping ground textures near the 4th control point
  • Improved clipping on a roof so you don't get caught on a clip brush sticking out anymore near the 5th point
  • Enabled shadows on more props