Dustbowl Fixed & Improved TF2Classic Version

Multi Stage Dustbowl Fixed & Improved TF2Classic Version 1.15.0

  • Improved the dirt road texture to fix seams between the dirtroad001b and dirtroad001 overlays
  • Added shadows to a few more props again
  • Made it so the zip just needs the bsp and nav file because now the map is properly packed
  • Decreased luxel scale on alot of faces for better looking and sharper shadows
  • Enabled shadows on alot of more props
  • Fixed a line/hole on a wall near 5th control point
- Fixed some things that were messed up in the 3d skybox after decompiling the map
  • Added lights to the control points so they light up the area around them the team color
  • Improved the parallax around the map
and some other smaller things where improved but i can't seem to remeber exactly what it was
  • Fixed all overlays having huge fade distances because when i decomiled the map the overlays fade dist multiplied by the same number as it self so the overlays had way to big of a fade dist. this took some time to fix because every single overlay had it.
  • Enabled shadows to more props
  • Moved a scientist back a little just to align with the current version of dustbowl in tf2c
  • Made it so light passes through a window on last stage into a very dark room so you can see into it a very small bit better.
  • Fixed a stretched texture in reds first spawn
  • Added cubemap floor textures
  • Some optimization
  • Clipped 2 stairs on 2nd stage outside the mines
  • Improved some cubemap placements
· re-added the 2 scientists near reds spawn that i forgot to add last update
· changed lighting to match the current vanilla tf2c lighting
· enabled shadows and collision on a few props around the map
· improved clipping on a few roofs around the map
· moved up the crane hook near the first point on stage 3 so you can't go through it by just jumping towards it and i added collision to it
· added one more parallax_obb brush on 3rd stage inside the sentry spot on the first point
· added clipping to some a couple of brushes and props you are not supposed to be able to stand on
· increased fade distance on a prop
· improved clipping
· fixed being able to see under a prop on 2nd stage near the 2nd control point
· added a light_spot under a lamp prop that looked like it was supposed to have light coming out of it but wasn't but now it does