b2 changelog:
- optimisation pass
did you know we had no occluding geometry beneath the displacements at mid and connectors, and no areaportals? i'm shocked it ran as okay as it did.
- fixed amphora at mid coastline being partially clipped into rocks
- added missing soundscapes to boathouses
- nobuilt large braziers
it WAS funny, but trigger_ignite doesn't damage buildings and trigger_hurt would nobuild the area anyway. sorry

- improved clipping around ferries
oops! players couldn't climb out of the water.
- added hazard tape to flag capture zones
- added bubbling particles when skeletons spawn
- added particles for killing the losing team during humiliation
version control hiccup meant we actually didn't have these for b1. oops!
- added fluff particles to flag teleporting
- replaced clips over lobby structures with short push triggers
- improved team side recognition at mid
- added some nonsolid clutter physics props
- fixed missing sound files
- fixed missing albedotint and smoothing on flags
- fixed sorting issues on respawnroomvisualisers
- fixed issue with water damage triggers at symmetry line
- fixed issue with water damage triggers not being present near boathouses
- fixed water damage triggers slightly poking through the ground beneath battlements
- fixed issue with deep water flag return triggers on blu side
- fixed issue with deep water flag return triggers near boathouses
- fixed issues with skeletons spawning on blu side
- fixed flags being slightly misaligned
- fixed some displacement seams
- fixed seam at mid
- adjusted lighting across the whole map
- slightly brightened environment direct and ambient light
- improved clipping
- improved lighting on a few props
- fixed a few prop misalignments
- fixed some small z-fighting
- fixed some brazier particles going through thin floors
- improved displacement cost of water caustics
- added some funny guys