Change log:

-Reverted clipping on rocks in the right choke to a previous version. The clipping changes were initially made in order to stop stickies from being hidden inside the rock. Unfortunately, my attempts to remedy the problem only made it worse, so it will be stuck with a trap spot that will have to be checked by players who know where it is.​
Change log:

-Clipping has been fixed around spawns so players can no longer escape map.

-Windows have had clipping fixed.

-The tree truck outside spawn can no longer trap players.

The rock in right choke has had it's clipping redone to stop stickys from being hidden to easily.​
The Skybox Fix - B9
. . . I can finally look outside.

The map got what it was missing for a while and that was a proper exterior area to the map. While not important to gameplay, it will help ensure the immersion isn't broken by the void staring back. The skybox has been shifted as well to reflect these changes. Rc1 is next up.

Change log:

-The skybox has been enlarged to hold the new exterior non-playable area. It has also been moved in the right choke to improve bombs and jumps

-A brand new non-playable area has been made to compliment the map and make it feel more grounded. The largest of this work has been done in the spawn area.

-A sight line was adjusted from the high area on the right choke to mid.

-Sniper and other non jump classes can no longer get on to the flank roof outside of big house

-Health and ammo was moved in big house to be closer to the point. The ammo is now slightly farther away. They now sit side by side under the roof area.

-Sight lines for the left side choke have been adjusted. this has been down by moving a wall slightly to stop snipers from killing people on the point all the way from the second courtyard stairs.

-Displacements have been smoothed in the second courtyard to make it easier on the eyes.

-Props have been changed and added near choke to provide places to hide or jump on. A couple of fences were added to assist with previously mentioned sight lines.

-Other props have been added here and there for aesthetic sake and don't add anything in the way of gameplay.


-Qhull errors were fixed or removed.

-Clipping that allowed people to get inside a house they shouldn't be in has been fixed.

-Lighting issues on some props were fixed.

-Vphysics on multiple props were fixed to not cause errors ingame

-Overlays that once previously displayed the team side have been fixed to now appear as they should.

-Multiple clipping issues that were not previously noticed.
What Is ClearCut?:

ClearCut is a map that has taken the better part of 5 years to create. From the start it was called WaterFront which was my first map posted here. Against better judgement I decided to continue working on it and revising it again and again. This has not only taught me more about how I can build off of a pre-existing idea, but how I can also change my approach every time I come back to it. The changes have been so numerous and so different that I could probably consider it a joke at this point to tell people that WaterFront was were this came from. I can hardly believe myself.

Change log:

-Changed the slope of the sheds near point in order to make it easier to fight enemies that are using it.

-The ground has been raised on the right side choke to also help with pushes.

-Changed around the courtyard outside of initial transitions to better fit the change.

-Removed the conveyor belt that made jumps more difficult on the right side. A new one was made right around the corner.
Change log:

-Changed health packs in flank to be small instead to make it more punishing to hide in flank.

-Added fencing along top of a roof to stop players from attempting to walk on it when they aren't allowed to.

-Removed props that carried over from a previous version that are no longer necessary.​
Balanced A Little More - B8
...No More Hangups.

The map got some much need attention with this version, as several issues stemming from snipers to clipping error were looked over. Major changes to certain aspects were made but overall not overdone. Hopefully this can be considered on the precipice of rc1.

Change log:

-The left side area between pulp and low crane is not blocked off, taking its place is now the path through low crane which has been restructured to be easier to use and just as quick. This change should benefit players who are avoiding spam.

-The main house on either side of the point has a new interior and no longer leads to the roof. There is a door to the staircase shed next to it. This has created a flank on the map, but I have done my best to insure that you can see someone using it. The interior now supports a medium kit replacing the two small kits now that the rooms are joined.

-The shed closet to the point in front of the main house is now closed off and no longer has its drop down. Again this will stop snipers and spam.

-The left side transition has been changed to work better with the low crane path, effectively removing a ridiculous sniper sight line. The interior is now once again connected to the mid transition although with a crouch jump instead.

-The right side transition now has a crouch jump up to the higher path.

-The mid point now has crates on opposite sides of the point. This gives a little bit of cover to those attacking and defending.

-The ground leading up to the point has been changed to no longer be a deck and staircase. It is now open ground the inclines towards to point.

-The door leading out of pulp towards the point has been widened to help attackers.

-Tons of clipping fixes.

-Displacements adjusted.

-And as always so many many more, so much so that it's hard to recall. Most are however beneficial and will lead the map to better place.
What Is ClearCut?:
ClearCut is a map that has taken the better of 5 years to create. From the start it was called WaterFront which was my first map posted here. Against better judgement I decided to continue working on it and revising it again and again. This has not only taught me more about how I can build off of a pre-existing idea, but how I can also change my approach ever time I come back to it. The changes have been so numerous and different that I could probably consider it a joke to tell people that WaterFront was were this came from. That is all too true funnily enough.
Flow and Tune - B7
...Better Than Ever.
The map has seen significant changes over the course of the last few months since B6 released on a separate download( which has now been removed and can be found here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1530353553 ).
Since I took so much time off to work on college, progress became slow, but over winter break I finished up most of the issues and have polished it nicely before release. The map is almost completely different in terms of layout and looks. Below is my attempt to log every change.

Change log:

-Right side transition now faces the spawn door more and is larger to make jumps easier.

-Right transition has an been raised to make those who push through have high ground over those holding the area in front of transitions.

-Right transition has a new door and platform that can only be reached by soldiers, scouts, and demos.

-Interior of left and mid transition has been separated and no longer interacts with each other besides fences that lets you see into the other area.

-Left transition has been lowered, and the staircase has been shortened because of this.

-The ground in front of left transition has been lowered and sloped to reduce the value of spam and to meet the new height of left side transition.

-Pulp has been redone to make a better interior that better supports attacking teams and not so much the defending team.

-Nest can now be jumped around as the platform between pulp and nest is now extended towards the staircase.

-Barriers have been put in between nest and pulp, pulp and right side out of bounds. This has been done to prevent the gigantic jumps that demos could once achieve.

-Nest side stairs have been redone to be easier to traverse.

-House has had it's interior redone and is now impossible to hide in the upstairs area. It is also sporting a prototype pathway into cubby that could be beneficial to combo.

-Shed has been completely redone and now has an interior staircase to a small health and ammo kit as well as a ramp to get up to roof.

-Tower has been moved to hinder sight lines and provide more cover for heavy. A staircase on the side of the points platform has been added and the platform above now faces away from the point with a crate on top. This crate can be used to perfect double crouch jump onto roof.
-The skybox has been better molded to the map to reduce the amount of visleafs that were created before hand.

-Certain parts of the map have been changed to non func_detail in order to provide a way to block line of sight to other areas of the map.
-The overall lighting has had a look at and it shouldn't provide as many horrible looking areas a before.

-Multiple props have been moved or deleted to remove lighting glitches.
...And so many, many more changes. I am honestly unable to list all of the changes I ever made after B6 for a lack of keeping track. Hopefully the list above provides enough to get a gist of what has changed.
What Is ClearCut?:
ClearCut is a map that has taken the better of 4 years to create. From the start it was called WaterFront which was my first map posted here. Against better judgement I decided to continue working on it and revising it again and again. This has not only taught me more about how I can build off of a pre-existing idea, but how I can also changed my approach ever time I come back to it.​


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Changes For This Before B4 Version:

Added various hints in key locations combined with moving some world geometry around, and I got visleafs to actually remove parts of the map.

-Added Hints

-Moved geometry (not noticeably different in game)
What's This?:
This is mostly for just feedback on framerate and such, the update is not finished. However, I needed some way to test out framerates and that is why a almost finished version of b4 has been posted.

Some Changes:
-Added a skybox(unfinished)
-Made Areaportals for all large interior buildings
-Attempted to create a working hint system(No dice)
-Messed around with lighting a bit.​
Major Changes:
-Added rocks to right side stairs to provide cover.

-Changed a whole bunch of rocks to create more cover.

-Enlarged main house lower door to compensate for the choke that the rock previously mentioned created.
The Actual Rocky Part:
The map has frame issues. This isn't surprising to those who have played it recently. Unfortunately this won't be an easy fix, huge chunks of detail may have to be scraped in order to optimize frame rates. Buildings need re-working and this is all because of how I (unconventionally) built the map. This will take some time and the next update is far away from now, but like bungee once said,"It has to be fun before it looks nice."​