The name of this map "
koth_spacedock" is now changed to "
koth_ceres" to avoid
name collision with another map of the same title
[TF2 wiki], as well as to reflect the
significant rework (~95%) of the map layout.
The original map files, "
koth_spacedock_a1.bsp", "
koth_spacedock_a1a.bsp", as well as the
.rar files hosted on my GameBana page
[GameBanana], will
NOT have their names changed for archival purposes.
The upcoming updates will be named "
koth_ceres_a2", "
koth_ceres_a2a", etc. .
- another map called "ctf_ceres_base" [TF2Maps] has no relationship with the development of this map
- an alternative name "Spacedock: Solar War" was used, but later scrapped due to it being too long