
Bagel rc2a

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Bagel rc2a

It looks like a donut

This version is Outdated! Check out the 2020 version here!

Fight back and forth over a disused power supply on the shore of the Bagel Reservoir, sandwiched by a pair of identical old industrial buildings.


Originally made for the 72hr contest, Bagel is a unique King of the Hill map designed for 6v6 Competitive play, and a lot of fun in pub play too.

Played in
UGC 4v4
UGC 6v6
Sigafoo's Challenge Cup
ozfortress Midsummer Night's Cup
ETF2L Season 26 Preseason Cup
MapChamp New Map Cup

Layout/Detailing - Yrrzy
Various model edits - MaccyF
Centre point prop - Seba
Competitive design advice - Carn
Competitive feedback - Everyone on tftv who played pugs on it
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

More downloads from Yrr

Latest updates

  1. Clipping fix

    - Fixed a spot where players could stand on an exposed clip in lobby - Fixed some floating props
  2. RC2 Update

    Changelog: - Boosted lighting for visibility (comparison) - Fixed misc clipping issues - Added new crate in patio area to fix a dumb sightline and generally improve options in that area
  3. RC1 Update

    Thank you to everyone who played this map in any of its iterations, whether it was in MapChamp the last couple of weeks, an experimental cup, or even if you played an early version - it's thanks to all of you that Bagel got this far. I hope...

Latest reviews

No bagels, one star.

Just kidding, this map and the event version are great maps.
It looks more like a bagel