
Medieval Alexandria a10

Still have a lot of things to fix ! My technical know-how isn't the best so bare with me ! In the mean time here's a few tweaks & changes for the gamelogic to facilitate a further back & forth and to try to make the gamemode clearer:

-Moved the capture point holograms onto their respective capturepoints to make it clearer to players that it's the intended cap spot. (Originally they were in a dev room in the skybox.)
-Lowered respawnwave times.
-(Hopefully) fixed the team's CTF radars from bugging out. (Sometimes the radar would point to their teams own lasts for caps? idk why haha.)
-Set the flag to turn neutral after being on the ground for 15 seconds, rather than remaining on the initial pickup team for the entire duration.
-Decreased the amount of time it takes for the flag to reset.
-Decreased each team's capture point time from 6 seconds to cap to 3
-The capture point no longer has its placeholder trainbell alarm. Instead it has two different sounds, a warning bell that plays before the flag-holder reaches the point, and a fuse sound for when the player is on the point. (This should both help to indicate that the flag-holder is in the right place to cap & give the defending team a louder warning when their point is being capped)
-Gave the flag an initial timer before spawning of 40 seconds, alongside having a 40 second timer after any team caps. This should help to make it so the attacking team doesn't just instantly re-gain the flag before the defending team has left their point.
-Added flag spawn sounds & pickup sounds.
-Added Braziers for flaming Huntsman arrows.
-Adjusted sound trigger sizes & their inputs and outputs so they should be less buggy now.
-Clipped off a lot of walls around the spawn to prevent players getting caught by temporary brushwork.
-Made it so players can now walk off of the battlement walls by opening up a section of it, alongside decreasing the height of the wall so players no longer take fall damage upon taking this route.
-Added some extra rocks at mid as a ramp to quickly get up to the bridge without having to trimp or take the long route around.
-Threw in some temporary detailing for two of the routes to mid & the gates to each team's fort.

Still looking for ways to make it clearer that cap progress is being made when players stand on the point & how much, seems like the CTF & CP hud elements don't like to mix without completely losing CTF's scoreboard element. Something to keep on working on !

Also water is still SUPER buggy lmfao yayyy.