
Medieval Alexandria a5

-Fixed the fuse sound playing after a capture.
-Changed the flag reset timer from 30 seconds to 20 seconds, lowering the amount of time it takes the flag to turn neutral by 5 seconds.
-Fixed some rock clipping.
-Added custom soundscripts for fort-yards, interiors, & the valley.
-Added more detailing for both the blue/red sides of the map.
-Added spectator cams.
-Made the barrels inside of teamspawns breakable.
-Hopefully fixed the water visuals this time around.
-Changed the bomb explosion sound.
-Increased cap timer from 1 to 2 seconds
-Altered some map detailing
-Hopefully fixed the bell sound playing for too long
-Mildly adjusted respawnwave times for flag carriers by one second (?)
-Fixed soundscape not playing(?)
-Fixed some clipping issues
-Decreased flag reset time(?)
-Added blockout detailing to red spawn

Questionmarks are me being uncertain on if I did those. I'll confirm later but they should be done.
Just some gamelogic tweaks, alongside moving the point to the middle of each team's fort to hopefully make it easier to cap.

-Fixed a bug where the flagholder could trigger their own capture region to enable via new filters for flag pickups.
-Made 3 new logic relays based on red/blue picking up the flag & red drop with new outputs.
-Respawnwaves now are both smaller than they were and get adjusted based on flag pickups
-Added a team_round_timer of 15 minutes. Paired with new gamelogic to ensure team wins or stalemates based on final team scores.
-Reduced the point capture time from 2 seconds to 1 second, so it can be capped twice as fast now while still allowing for the defending team to contest for frantic last holds.
-Flag now has a placeholder bomb model.
-Added a small tutorial text popup on round starts to tell players the objective.
-Added more temporary detailing on red & blue's teamsides.
-Moved the capture point to the middle of each team's spawnyard, rather than being at the back-end.
Finally figured out the logic behind getting the control points to have elements while mixing it with the player destruction logic to still have an active score display, after remaking all of the old gamelogic from the ground up as somehow I managed to make the map crash on any team win with the old logic>?>>????

Also apologies for the last version ! Turns out decreasing the respawnwaves massively unsurprisingly makes a cap like this, next to impossible to achieve haha (even with the decreased capture time compared to a1). Whoops. My bad.

Anyway that's my rambling here's the actual patchnotes:

-Reworked the logic from the ground up, now the hud will display both the score of both teams & the capture point hud elements for capture progress.
-Paired a dispenser entity to the flag.
-Made respawnwaves longer again and they now adjust based on which team has the flag. (So now it's actually possible to cap. (hopefully.))
-Redesigned team spawns to be more open upon leaving, & to move the exits further from the point itself.
-(Tried.) To improve the bell capping sound relays so it hopefully sounds a bit better now.
-Made flag spawn timers after captures shorter (from 40 seconds to 30 seconds)
-Also added a timer to the flag respawning after having despawned, either from being reset by the deathpits or by being left by players for too long. (30 seconds again, previously didn't have a timer.)
-Centered the fort's entrance.
-Made the braziers by the mid-dropdowns have larger triggers when it comes to lighting huntsman arrows. Seemingly being at 45 degrees made them extremely hard to use.
-Added a new flag sound for the flag despawning.
-Changed the time to cap from 3 seconds to 2.
Still have a lot of things to fix ! My technical know-how isn't the best so bare with me ! In the mean time here's a few tweaks & changes for the gamelogic to facilitate a further back & forth and to try to make the gamemode clearer:

-Moved the capture point holograms onto their respective capturepoints to make it clearer to players that it's the intended cap spot. (Originally they were in a dev room in the skybox.)
-Lowered respawnwave times.
-(Hopefully) fixed the team's CTF radars from bugging out. (Sometimes the radar would point to their teams own lasts for caps? idk why haha.)
-Set the flag to turn neutral after being on the ground for 15 seconds, rather than remaining on the initial pickup team for the entire duration.
-Decreased the amount of time it takes for the flag to reset.
-Decreased each team's capture point time from 6 seconds to cap to 3
-The capture point no longer has its placeholder trainbell alarm. Instead it has two different sounds, a warning bell that plays before the flag-holder reaches the point, and a fuse sound for when the player is on the point. (This should both help to indicate that the flag-holder is in the right place to cap & give the defending team a louder warning when their point is being capped)
-Gave the flag an initial timer before spawning of 40 seconds, alongside having a 40 second timer after any team caps. This should help to make it so the attacking team doesn't just instantly re-gain the flag before the defending team has left their point.
-Added flag spawn sounds & pickup sounds.
-Added Braziers for flaming Huntsman arrows.
-Adjusted sound trigger sizes & their inputs and outputs so they should be less buggy now.
-Clipped off a lot of walls around the spawn to prevent players getting caught by temporary brushwork.
-Made it so players can now walk off of the battlement walls by opening up a section of it, alongside decreasing the height of the wall so players no longer take fall damage upon taking this route.
-Added some extra rocks at mid as a ramp to quickly get up to the bridge without having to trimp or take the long route around.
-Threw in some temporary detailing for two of the routes to mid & the gates to each team's fort.

Still looking for ways to make it clearer that cap progress is being made when players stand on the point & how much, seems like the CTF & CP hud elements don't like to mix without completely losing CTF's scoreboard element. Something to keep on working on !

Also water is still SUPER buggy lmfao yayyy.