
steelmill b3

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steelmill b3

A rainy, semi-abandoned facility inspired by sawmill.

Hello everyone, my name's Zan and this is my first mapping project!

Steelmill is a King Of The Hill map inspired from Sawmill. I really liked the rain and the general feel that it had to it and felt like there weren't enough maps like that.
So when i booted up hammer for the first time, following UEAKCrash tutorials to build the very basics elements, i knew what i wanted my first proper map to be like.

Layout wise i tried to follow "the Viaduct formula", while taking influences from other maps that i like playing.

Feedback on both the "artstyle" and the layout/gameplay aspects is much appreciated!
Zan (rx8)
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

Latest updates

  1. General improvements

    There is not much here... The last playtest was right as the imp died so the demo i got out of it was a 4v4 match that slowly died. I guess that the major thing is that i changed the medium health pack beneath the point to small, to make...
  2. Computer room revamp

    As usual, more detailing but most importantly, i decided to directly connect the computer room to the point. Changelog for version _b2 1) Improved railings' behaviour They are now non-solid and their volume is occuped by a playerclip brush...
  3. Entering beta stage

    Gameplay has been proved solid, so i started with major detailing out of the map and decded to step up to beta. Changelog for version _b1 1) Improved general clipping. 2) Applied the nodraw texture to a lot of not visible brush faces. 3)...