Sound Barriers


L1: Registered
Sep 25, 2014
Hey all,

I´m currently working on a trade map and I have a basement under a square.
If I´m in the cellar I can hear the sound of the guns from the square. Is there a way making sound barriers?
Currently I fixed it by placing the basement highly deep, but I wanted to know wether there is another solution for that problem.

Kind regards


Jul 31, 2009
Sound won't actually play from any part of the map not currently rendered through VVIS.

If you look into optimisation such as areaportals and hint brushes and make it so the basement doesn't render from above, no sound should transfer.,


L1: Registered
Sep 25, 2014
Sound won't actually play from any part of the map not currently rendered through VVIS.

If you look into optimisation such as areaportals and hint brushes and make it so the basement doesn't render from above, no sound should transfer.,

The basement is only joined via a teleporter. So normally it won´t be rendered. These are two seperate segments like 3D skybox and the map, no connection between them so how can I use there an areaportal or a hint?

I know how to use areaportal and hints but I have no idea how to make it while using multiple map segments which are not connected.
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Jul 31, 2009
If you're not compiling with fast VVIS then that should be enough to sperate them from being rendered together. Can you still hear sound when even using full VVIS? I might be wrong then.


L1: Registered
Sep 25, 2014
Sound won't actually play from any part of the map not currently rendered through VVIS.

If you look into optimisation such as areaportals and hint brushes and make it so the basement doesn't render from above, no sound should transfer.,

Is it a good idea to split the map into multiple segments?
Or is it better to keep them all in "one big" brush?
Mar 23, 2013
I know how to use areaportal and hints but I have no idea how to make it while using multiple map segments which are not connected.

If these map segments are not connected in any way, then only the one you are in should be rendered anyway. So you don't need to use any area portals in this case. However, since Freiya said a sound doesnt play when its not in the Potential Visibile Set of a player, that would mean your other map segment is rendered for some reason. Use mat_wireframe 1 to see if the other part of the map is rendered and if that is the case, perhaps you have a leak or something that fucks up you optimization and vvis.

EDIT: and don't put your map into a giant box, if its that what you are talking about in the post that ninja'd me


L1: Registered
Sep 25, 2014
If you're not compiling with fast VVIS then that should be enough to sperate them from being rendered together. Can you still hear sound when even using full VVIS? I might be wrong then.

I compiled it with full VVIS and if I place the seperate segment near below the square than I´m able to hear sounds. If I take the basement and place it highly deeper than I can´t hear the sounds.


L1: Registered
Sep 25, 2014
If these map segments are not connected in any way, then only the one you are in should be rendered anyway. So you don't need to use any area portals in this case. However, since Freiya said a sound doesnt play when its not in the Potential Visibile Set of a player, that would mean your other map segment is rendered for some reason. Use mat_wireframe 1 to see if the other part of the map is rendered and if that is the case, perhaps you have a leak or something that fucks up you optimization.

EDIT: and dont put your map into a giant box, if its that what you are tlaking about

Ok, I will check that later. Thanks for your help Lampenpam and Freyja.


L1: Registered
Sep 25, 2014
I checked it and I have no leaks and the two segments are not combined.
VVIS was set to normal.
I can still here the shots from the square.


L1: Registered
Sep 25, 2014
If these map segments are not connected in any way, then only the one you are in should be rendered anyway. So you don't need to use any area portals in this case. However, since Freiya said a sound doesnt play when its not in the Potential Visibile Set of a player, that would mean your other map segment is rendered for some reason. Use mat_wireframe 1 to see if the other part of the map is rendered and if that is the case, perhaps you have a leak or something that fucks up you optimization and vvis.

EDIT: and don't put your map into a giant box, if its that what you are talking about in the post that ninja'd me

I tested via mat_wireframe 1 and it´s not rendered.


Jul 31, 2009
Okay, I must be remembering wrong then.

Unfortunately I'm not aware of any other way to block sound. I think moving it away is your best bet.


Sep 23, 2011
Actually, it's not PVS. It's the Potentially Audible Set. It's very similar to PVS, but not the same.