Microcontest Stamp Card Showcase Thread - Season 3


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Now that Microcontest Season 3 is over, it's time to see all your lovely stamp cards!

If you are willing, please reply to this thread with your finalized stamp card if you participated. Additionally, if you'd like to share some of your thoughts on the season as a whole, here's some things I'd love to know:
  • Total punch count vs. total possible based on participation
  • Favorite prompt this season
  • Least favorite prompt this season
  • Favorite map you made this season
  • The most memorable map(s) someone else made
  • Thoughts on the Season 3's format(s) overall
I can't wait to see all your stamp cards and hear your thoughts!


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L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014

Total punch count vs. total possible based on participation:
Favorite prompt this season:
Despite the nightmares it caused, Timer Attack was my favorite to do. Conceptually, I think Two Wishes and Now Do It Again were the most interesting.

Least favorite prompt this season:

1024/512 was neat on paper, but it confused a lot of people and wasn't that fun to work with.

Favorite map you made this season:
Relay2, also known as ctf_14bit_mc23, also known as bombthing was my favorite. The logic was a blast to build (and probably the most complicated I've ever built!) and I loved watching people blow up when time ran out. Super funny, super silly, and not a bad layout for the chaos if I do say so myself.

The most memorable map(s) someone else made:
Whomobile's 3cp nightmare from MC#23 is the most memorable for me. It sadly kept crashing people and had some logic issues, but having all the control points suddenly take off and start flying around to music was incredible.

Thoughts on the Season 3's format(s) overall:
A lot of the prompts were complicated this time, and required things like week warnings or lengthy rules. I think the experimentation with the format led to some cool stuff, and messing with microcontest length and knowing rules ahead of time going forwards could be interesting. A return to more simple prompts like in Season 1 might be in order for the future, too, since some of these were very complicated and difficult to run.


the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016

Looks like I eventually managed to warm back up to speedmapping, after the dreadful rd_tiftid_mc15_a1 incident. Only took me two years!

Total Stamps / Possible Stamps:


Favourite prompt this season:

Two Wishes was an instant favourite for me.

The ability to choose between two different limitations is an interesting idea, and the ability to write the prompt for someone else to use opens the door to a lot of creativity, as well as the potential for a newer mapper to make something potentially better than what they've made in the past thanks to the guidance of an expert mapper's prompt.
However, both the choice of which limitation you'll use and the ability to write a prompt for someone leads to a lot of potential exploitation and misinterpretation.

Least favourite prompt this season:

Timer Attack.

I like microcontests for an obscure gamemode as a thought experiment of "what would maps for this gamemode look like?"
Timer Attack was not like this. Each contestant essentially had to build their own gamemode, which was a significant challenge and didn't really lead to any kind of consensus or new interest in gamemodes utilising tf_logic_cp_timer, since each gamemode being put forward really only had one layout as an example, and if that layout was bad, good luck getting anyone to think it's a good gamemode in future.

Favourite map I made this season:

Easily ctf_tiftid_mc21.

I built a CTF map with the goal of fitting the microcontest requirement by having each intel room able to see the other, but by not letting players actually cross that space. For this, I used a death pit, with fans above it that would blow you down into the abyss - to prevent Soldiers from rocket-jumping to the enemy flag and then straight back again.
This would discourage engineers from brainlessly spamming sentries in the intel room and instead force them to pick one of the two ramps up to said room to hold.
This, combined with the map's overall circular shape, meant that gameplay followed a typical loop of:
  • Each individual player picks one side of the map to move along, creating a "strong" and "weak" squad of each team
  • Your strong squad meets the enemy weak squad, demolishes them and moves into their base
  • But at the same time, the enemy strong squad meets your weak squad, demolishes them and moves into your base
  • You grab the enemy flag, their weak squad instantly respawns and exits their spawn room to try to stop you moving the flag out of their base
  • The enemy team grabs your flag, your weak squad instantly respawns and exits your spawn room to try to stop you moving the flag out of your base
  • If either team wins the fight at the enemy base and transports the flag out of it, it's implied that they'll go on to capture
To accommodate this, the spawn was built to have three doors that exit into very different areas, so that exiting your spawn to fight an enemy team who was already in your base was actually viable and you wouldn't actually get sticky-camped.
Additionally, the flag applies a slowdown effect for 5 seconds to the player who picked it up, so you were forced to stay with the rest of your team and fight the respawning enemy players instead of immediately running the flag back to your base while your teammates stop the enemy team from even reaching you.
To ensure that the enemy team doesn't get an insta-respawn every single time their flag is picked up, I made it so that the flag's OnPickup output would trigger an instant respawn relay. That relay would then disable itself so it couldn't trigger again, and the only way to enable it was to have the flag return to the enemy base. So, it would only insta-respawn when it was picked up from the enemy intel room.

On top of all this, it had a lot of reasonably fun fighting spaces.
I built this map in just 6 hours, so I was like "fuck it I'll build another one", and tacked it onto the map as a second stage to encourage variety.
This was my biggest mistake - the second stage wasn't very fun.

This variant of CTF is very different from all of the other "CTF fixes" people have tried, and I'm very proud of it.
So, even though I think cp_tiftid_mc24 is a very fun A/D map, ctf_tiftid_mc21 takes the cake over it for me, because it's just so much more designed than that map is.

Distinctive map(s) made by others:

cowcitadel2008 (from MC21) for being very 2008-y.
There was some A/D map which everyone bashed for being hyper overscaled (especially around the final point), but in my opinon it was actually functional and very fun. I'll edit the post if through some miracle I find it.

Thoughts on the format:

The length of the season is low-hanging fruit to complain about, but still something that's gonna ruffle people's feathers.
In future seasons, I think you should enlist people to help with the finer details of running these, and break up the playtests more often (as well as running some normal playtests in between so that microcontests don't totally hog the playtest queue), so you at least get to sleep which would probably make it more enticing to host these.
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Le Codex

L3: Member
Dec 4, 2020

Was a very cool season overall! Managed to do a few collabs which were very fruitful, and some solo maps I remember fondly
Thanks again to @Sarexicus and @Kiglirs for having worked with me. To do again sometimes!

Total punch count vs. total possible based on participation
Total: 18,5 / 25 (The 0,5 is for MC25, where one of the map was made in 72 minutes by Sarex. Up to interpretation if that counts)

Favorite prompt this season
A bit hard to judge.
Timer attack's gamemode is really interesting and I wish I could revisit it. Maybe I'll compile a Vscript version and let people do things with it.
But the map I made for Two Wishes (and the basic concept) was also really neat, even if it didn't play well. I really like how it looks in general, except maybe for C.

Least favorite prompt this season
Solids probably. I agree I didn't put much effort into it, but partly because it didn't really inspire me.

Favorite map you made this season
Overall, my favorite map is my MC24 one. As I said before, MC23 is very close second.

The most memorable map(s) someone else made
Sarexicus' MC22 submission. A completely normal KotH map, with nothing else to see. (Is that nepotism since I collabed with him twice? Eh, who cares)

Thoughts on the Season 3's format(s) overall
A good season overall. The fact it was less frequent is a bit of a shame, but your health matters more than that. We (as a community I mean) could probably look into getting other MC organizers, so that they could relay each others to propose monthly prompts again (or bimonthly, would be good too!)
Other than that, organization was top notch as usual


L4: Comfortable Member
Aug 12, 2016

Total punch count vs. total possible based on participation:

Favorite prompt this season:

Solids takes it, with Two Wishes in a close second.
Solids really helped me focus on keeping scope small & led to some really tightly focused maps.
For Two Wishes it was nice being able to mix prompts (tho I know prompts were a bit more mutually exclusive.
It was also really cool fulfilling someone else's wish and seeing how they interpreted mine.
Also got to scratch the itch of wanting to make my own MC prompt a little.

Least favorite prompt this season:
1024/512. I really struggled building a layout around fixed objectives
Once I put objectives down it's really hard to actively limit how easy it is to get between them.
Not sure if that comes from remembering feedback where players struggled to find objectives or what
I just couldn't come up with a layout & be happy with it while keeping those layout restrictions.
Definitely a weakness of mine as a mapper I need to be aware of in future projects.

Favorite map you made this season:
OneBrush, easily.
Going for the smallest map possible was really funny
Honestly don't think I could've gotten away with something so silly outside of a MC
Quite possibly the most fun I've had mapping
Felt incredible to get an entry done in under an hour.

The most memorable map(s) someone else made:

arena_pont_mc22 was just incredible
0 brushes, all props
Also fun to play & just visually stunning
Kinda overshadows all other maps from my memory, it's just so good

Thoughts on the Season 3's format(s) overall:
I've always struggled a bit with finding the time and motivation, especially on higher difficulties.
On 1024/512 & Do It Again both were hard to find an idea I was satisfied with.
Do It Again was so open ended I just couldn't decide, especially with limited time.
Solids & Two Wishes both had prompts that had me focus on a clear "minimum viable map"
Timer Attack definitely interested me & I had some bits of maps that were starving for playtests
Kitbashing those chunks of map into something playable was far more struggle than I was anticipating
The playtest also confirmed some fears I'd had about the urban section
Really took the wind out of my sails for a while, having poured so many hours into it.

Overall, I really enjoyed this season!
IIRC the average difficulty was a fair bit higher than last season, so I'm satisfied w/ my completion rate.
TBH without MCs I might not have put out any maps over the past year or two.
Still would've been working on some larger maps but that's not a great way to learn
Getting lots of different map ideas fast & teaches you a lot as a mapper IMO

Definitely interested to see what becomes of MicroContests in future
Still want to maybe host my own at some point in future (don't have solid plans tho, yet)
Adding vscript to the mix kinda terrifies me, I don't really know how to map with it yet.
Bringing some MicroContest energy to my maps might help me get out of my current mapping slump
If I don't get totally swamped by Titanfall modding stuff; Someday I'll get some Continuation stamps