
CTF Nuclide RC8d

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
  • Added an extra route to the highground in lobby from garage.
  • Added a new exit from processing to last & added new room to accomodate this change.
  • Shifted the small exit from processing into last to now connect from processing to lobby.
  • Changed detailing in blue processing to be more consistant with red processing.
  • Lowered damage values in the processing deathpit so it now takes longer to kill players (but is still very deadly!)
  • Fixed players being able to walk/shoot through some models.
  • Flag now resets to a position next to the pit when dropped inside, rather than at mid. Flag will still reset to mid like normal when capped.
  • Added a radial damage resist effect to the flag for whichever team is in possession of it.
  • Fixed an issue where two health/ammo kits whould spawn in the same spot.
  • Fixed an issue where the bomb detonation sound would not play when capping.
  • General detailing improvements.
  • Players now scream when falling down the pit in last.
  • Fixed some minor clipping issues.
  • Fixed both of red's spawn doors opening simultaneously.
  • Slightly extend defender respawn time.
  • Added end-of-round music.
  • Added 'score' sound.


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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
  • Removed overtime
  • Removed central ramp to cap zone
  • Shifted the left exit from lobby into final, and added walls
  • Added a side-exit from service into final + a new small room to help
  • Revamped the geometry of final to be more angular
  • Raised ceilings in many interior areas
  • Added ceiling detailing in most areas
  • Lighting improvements
  • Removed several health/ammo kits
  • Clipping improvements
  • Revamped base exteriors at mid
  • Fixed end-of-round music playing later than intended
  • Added more frogs
  • Removed walls and windows at lobby highground
  • Cleaned up the highground route from garage to lobby
  • Removed boxes in garage
  • Detailing overhaul to lobby
  • Added low wall to the lobby-sewer connector
  • Removed dynamic respawn times
  • Slightly increased global respawn times
  • Flag now deactivates for 30s when returned
  • Added bananas

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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
  • Removed bananas
  • Smoothed displacements around the bridge
  • Reverted change to highground in lobby BUT made other changes
  • Moved small ammo kits at mid close to the main base entrance
  • Deathpits now kill instantly rather than over time
  • Replaced spray wall with environmental death counter
  • Added more easter eggs (including a MAJOR one)
  • Slightly lowered respawn time
  • Glass ceilings at final now (sometimes) break when a team wins
  • Added elevator shafts to tunnels
  • Small detailing changes
  • Optimisation improvements
  • Fixed some of BLU base's exterior being culled
  • Lighting improvements
  • Probably some other things that i'm too tired to remember

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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Gonna be pushing this out into beta real soon (hopefully within 10 days).

If anyone wants to help out, please message me because i'd love to work alongside someone who has ideas on how to get the detail on this map looking even better (especially the point area, I have no clue what to do with that).

Besides that, i'm also looking for custom assets! I don't know what custom assets specifically, but some signs would be a good start.

Thanks :)


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
  • Detail pass on last (thanks pont!)
  • Detail pass on processing
  • Fixed flag resetting next to point on capture
  • Flag now activates 10 seconds after return, down from 30
  • Detail area added behind spawn
  • Fixed glass not shattering on round win
  • Revised major easter egg
  • Fixed teams not respawning instantly after capture
  • Added new mechanic: "Comeback crits"
  • Removed damage resistance from flag carrier
  • Flag carrier can now see their teammates though walls
  • Adjusted respawn times, and readded dynamic spawns
  • Clipping improvements
  • Fixed an issue causing players to get stuck in the sewer tunnels
  • Lighting improvements
  • Added frogs
  • Minor detail improvements
  • Minor optimisation improvements
  • Adjusted quality/quantity of pickups
  • Probably some other stuff

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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
  • Added 3D skybox
  • Raised 'ceiling' at mid significantly
  • Raised the ceiling in the sewer areas
  • Detail revamp to the sewer-processing tunnel
  • Detail improvements to red processing (again)
  • Particle improvements to red processing deathpit
  • Added particles to blue processing deathpit
  • Other minor detail improvements
  • Time is now added upon capture (one minute)
  • Re-added damage resist buff (for flag carrier only)
  • Logic improvements
  • Removed elevator doors
  • Removed death counter
  • Removed damaged doug walker
  • Lighting improvements
  • Clipping improvements
  • Various bug fixes
  • Added nobuild on top of the pipes at last

Read the rest of this update entry...


Takes way to long to make and update maps
Jun 11, 2015
There's already multiple maps with this gamemode type (often referred to as push CtF or occasionally invade CtF), which all use the same "ctf_" gamemode string. There's no need to change the name if it already fits; there's like five different gamemodes which use "cp_".

As for how long it took to make, you can look through the version history of the map. The first version was uploaded on the 7th of February 2020, and went through five major alpha releases before getting to beta (though it is based off of Isotope, which had just under 20 updates), and has had three major beta releases up to this point


Takes way to long to make and update maps
Jun 11, 2015
Most people post the first version of their map very early in development, to allow for a lot of testing and iteration


Jun 15, 2013
I wish I could understand what was being said in this thread but ronii's messages are so messy all I can read is them flexing about how they developed their own maps with nitpicky feedback added on. Try to keep it more relevant to the map itself, right? Since I've seen you have had a history of trying to flex your own development.

This post in particular just ticks me off.

yes and not. i can see when was releashed but not really when was made. you know until when od_canary was in development? 26-02-2019. releashed in 26-10-2019.
few months but because i was lazy and problems with logic.
you won't find this info here because the date 26-02-2019 is from first .vmf save and 26-10-2019 from first map releash saved on steam workshop.
that what i trying to say is "developer can say you more than the site knows and more correctly/detailed."


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
i checked the vmf and i see this map is like valve. every rest texture that is hidden (not able to see) is still there and isnt nodraw. can you explain me how does that help?
The compiler will automatically nodraw most textures it deems as not being visible, so there's no need to nodraw all non-visible surfaces in most instances.

on the skybox one displacement isnt connected to others
Not much I can do about this, i've tried to get the correct lighting and textures but seamless transitions are pretty difficult. I'll see what I can do in future but it probably won't be much

everywhere on map are clips to make smooth right? the clips are sometimes just walls where better will be if they will be triangles at the corners because then they will take less space (will make the gameplay are minimal larger) and also players will see the original distance from wall.

a unclear invisible wall? invisible wall is not really needed in corner like that (check fotos)
^i checked it on red side. i forgot to check on blu and i don't know if blu also has. if does then i think small corner may also be good for like spies or just hiding or escaping.
This area is clipped due to the complex props here, if it was unclipped players could get easily stuck.

many small junks but don't forget few that only "junks" that doesnt need to be fixed.
pls fix the props.
again... what?

i was searching for moving images like the training_annotation just for info if you really were interested.

I appreciate the feedback but a lot of this is really confusing. Also; you've attached images but not actually put them into any context, so I need to try and match them to what you're trying to say and i'm pretty sure i've got some of them wrong because of this.


Takes way to long to make and update maps
Jun 11, 2015

Apologies if this comes off as harsh, but if you aren't going to take the time to make yourself clear and concise, then why should we take the time to listen to you? You pride yourself on taking so much time to develop a map, and yet complain about taking the time to make sure people actually understand what you're saying, and if what you're saying is wanted. If you want to be taken seriously, then you better start acting seriously lest you be dismissed as someone who won't amount to much. I generally have a rule that I don't speak up unless I think the conversation would benefit from me doing so; if what you have to say has no meaning, then why say it at all? Also, general rule of forum etiquette, but double posting (that is, posting two posts in a row with no replies from other people in between) is generally frowned upon, as it adds unnecessary clutter.

Keep in mind that I am not attacking you, and I have no personal qualms against you; this is a community based around criticism and the betterment of ones self, and I am merely criticizing your actions, in particular failing to listen to others. I would not be surprised if some of this is new information for you, and I am not holding you responsible for not knowing, but it is better to learn what mistakes you're committing early on and take steps to correct them than to continue suffering from them later on down the line. It may hurt now, but it'll make the future much easier for you.

(Apologies to Star and Sandwhip for continuing to derail the thread; if this discussion continues, I'll make efforts to move it elsewhere)