To reiterate and somewhat expand upon what was said in the chat, this is the last version I'm putting forward for testing and probably updating too.
All I want out of this map is that it's in a reasonable playable state so that in the future if people fancy playing it, it's not to unbalanced or broken. No one plays koth_wubwubwub all year round (if they do, they're probably mad
), but when they do it works. I just want the same.
An undeniable fact is that most other maps here go though an alpha stage where the layout and such are the most notable things tested. But because this had to be kept secret for the contest and the fact I wanted it looking the best it could to try win some points for it in that department, means peoples first impression of this map is the worst one.
It's like I tried to make a fancy cake. I got it all decorated nicely and made it look amazing, but the moment anyone took a bite they realised the sugar had been swapped for salt by mistake. So I either have to remake this from the ground up, or bin it. Most other maps get tasted before the a hint of decoration is added.
I'm well aware that the biggest issue is the layout but I don't have any ideas on how to change it, short of copying another maps layout and re-texturing it, and I don't want to get bogged down on this map because there are other things I want to make. Like I said, I just want it reasonably playable. Or edible if it were.
As for the gimmick itself, I've tried changing it to make it more palatable to players, giving as much info as I can about how it works, what's going to happen and when. I'm not ignoring the feedback I've been given, I just don't know exactly what to do with some of it. Like I kinda expected people to offer more constructive comments like "need more ammo here", "this doorway is too narrow", "this sight line is harsh", "maybe add a path from here to X", or "too easy for an engie to defend this area."
But peoples opinions of weather or not the fundamental idea of the gimmick itself even works are just that - opinions. Any other map you play on you know what is going to happen. If I join a payload map I know I'm pushing or defending a cart. If I join a Deathrun server I know its 1 team vs a player controlled gauntlet. If I join this map, I know that there's a gimmick in effect. You either like that game mode and keep playing it, or you don't. That's a preference.
It sucks to see people disliking what you've made and I did expect to have this more thoroughly tested and criticised than any thing else I had made before. I thought I was prepared for the negative comments and to some degree I still am, but nothing is a disheartening as seeing RTV spam in the first minute of play. Frankly, if there had been more suggestive feedback
All I want out of this map is that it's in a reasonable playable state so that in the future if people fancy playing it, it's not to unbalanced or broken. No one plays koth_wubwubwub all year round (if they do, they're probably mad
An undeniable fact is that most other maps here go though an alpha stage where the layout and such are the most notable things tested. But because this had to be kept secret for the contest and the fact I wanted it looking the best it could to try win some points for it in that department, means peoples first impression of this map is the worst one.
It's like I tried to make a fancy cake. I got it all decorated nicely and made it look amazing, but the moment anyone took a bite they realised the sugar had been swapped for salt by mistake. So I either have to remake this from the ground up, or bin it. Most other maps get tasted before the a hint of decoration is added.
I'm well aware that the biggest issue is the layout but I don't have any ideas on how to change it, short of copying another maps layout and re-texturing it, and I don't want to get bogged down on this map because there are other things I want to make. Like I said, I just want it reasonably playable. Or edible if it were.
As for the gimmick itself, I've tried changing it to make it more palatable to players, giving as much info as I can about how it works, what's going to happen and when. I'm not ignoring the feedback I've been given, I just don't know exactly what to do with some of it. Like I kinda expected people to offer more constructive comments like "need more ammo here", "this doorway is too narrow", "this sight line is harsh", "maybe add a path from here to X", or "too easy for an engie to defend this area."
But peoples opinions of weather or not the fundamental idea of the gimmick itself even works are just that - opinions. Any other map you play on you know what is going to happen. If I join a payload map I know I'm pushing or defending a cart. If I join a Deathrun server I know its 1 team vs a player controlled gauntlet. If I join this map, I know that there's a gimmick in effect. You either like that game mode and keep playing it, or you don't. That's a preference.
It sucks to see people disliking what you've made and I did expect to have this more thoroughly tested and criticised than any thing else I had made before. I thought I was prepared for the negative comments and to some degree I still am, but nothing is a disheartening as seeing RTV spam in the first minute of play. Frankly, if there had been more suggestive feedback