re: The wooden bridge in sandstone
1) use hammer ropes to get a believable curve.
2) block out the shape with brushes until you get a good approximation of the shape in 12-20 blocks (intensive)
3) use the previously made ropes as the hand rails
<model part>
4) select the bridge brushes, copy to a new file, export as dxf
5) import file into 3d modelling program of choice. you now have your collision mesh for your bridge model
6) use splines to create an approximate curve that follows the imported mesh. extrude a rectangle along the spline, add some cuts into it.
8) use the previous splines to create the two side guards, extrude a cylinder along it (6-8 sides )
9) UVmapping time (joy!)
10) AO map
11) texture time with image editing program of choice
12) export 2 smds: the model and collision mesh
13) qc editing & compiling, problem solving, etc.
14) open model in hammer and squeal in joy as it worked properly.
If that helps anyone, or inspires them to attempt this process, then i wish you good luck.
now i really need to setup my units in 3dmax. Done.