The pipe does indeed look sexually attractive, but the support-things are weird. The wires holding the metal plank-beam-whatever thingies up have a slight slack, which implies that they're not carrying any weight whatsoever. The fact that the metal plank-beam-whatever thingies are as bent as they are implies that the pipe is weighing them down a lot, though. The only physically possible explanation I can see is that the pipe supports its own weight, but someone fastened already bent metal thingies to the bottom of it and pointlessly attached those to some slightly too long wires.
Yea, I think the only shiney part should be the blad, the handle seams too much like plastic.
Overall, not bad.
You're stuff always looks wonderful...
... but how does it play?
I'm learning how to sculpt humans? I don't know, this is more difficult than I thought...