[WIP] ctf_Aerospace


L2: Junior Member
Feb 14, 2008
when u release or are close to releasing a beta i can host it if u want to try it on server with 32 players


L2: Junior Member
Mar 11, 2008
I've tested quickly and alone your map, which I'm waiting for since the first page
Here are some problems I've found, dunno if they've been already reported

There's a problem with the arrow sign

I think you should add something to block the way, make people understand they can't go that way

When we go up, it's too dark, we can't see anything until we bump in the wall and look around

There, on the right, that's what I mean "too dark" :)

I hate this fake door (just next to the crosshair), I always try to open it :/

Something wrong here

I'd love another way to the intel, maybe from the roof?

And hell, awesome job, can't wait for this map to hit finale


L1: Registered
Jul 25, 2008
This is one of the most beautiful maps I've ever seen :woot:
I've tested that map alone quickly and and I got stuck between a rock and a tree... see the pictures (Thumbnails... if you don't see anything check your Ad-Blocker)

Same thing at the blue side.
This is an amazing map... LOVE IT :love: :thumbup:


L6: Sharp Member
May 7, 2008
Thanks for the replies guys! I'm working on a major new version for the map so I can get to beta, that's why I've been so quiet, but have faith that I'm taking every comment to heart.

Thanks a bunch!


L2: Junior Member
Mar 25, 2008
Wow this map looks RIDICULOUS!

(that's an AMAZING kind of RIDICULOUS btw)

This WILL be on our servers on it's BETA, trust me :)



L6: Sharp Member
May 7, 2008
Thanks man! Hopefully it won't be long now, I'm almost done with the major changes from the last gameday and I hope to overcome some expectations.


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 15, 2008
Holy fucking shitpiss! If this doesn't become a part of the custom map pack one day, I'll eat my eat!


L6: Sharp Member
May 7, 2008
Okay, after a long hiatus I am back. Long story short I was busy.

Glad we got that part over, now for the updates!

Thanks to your great feedback from the last gameday and on the several posts above I was able to get a lot done over the course of this week. Here is a summarized list of the changes made:

Spawn areas: I have started to draft out the looks of the spawn areas, they are not final, but at least you are not anymore in a black box when you first enter the map. There is even some coffe there for you. I have fixed the weird respawn visualizer issues and now everything should be working properly, including: Doors!

Resupply lockers: I have taken away the fake metal doors on the buildings to the left of the yard and on the sewer entrances, and made them into resupply areas for each team. These foward resupply lockers should help engineers, demos, heavies and snipers set up a good foward defense wirth a safe point to fall back to. Also controlling the middle area is now critical to prevent the enemy from setting up strongly near their resupply.

Cave: The cave has been refitted with a crack in the ceiling to let some light shine trough. Along with more waterfalls and vines hanging from the ceiling, the cave now is a lot more fit to the nature of TF2 gameplay. The metal walkways are gone and are now incredible rock formations that should make any geologist intrigued.

Invisible walls and playerclipped areas: I have remodelled the outside of the hangars so that there should be no strange invisible walls blocking your way. These new areas still need some fleshing out, but should provide some cool gameplay areas where pyros and demos can set their traps and spies can hide on to recharge their cloack and change their disguise. Also engineers looking for a little strategy should find good spots to hide a teleporter from the enemy right under their noses.

FPS: I have reworked all the expensive tree models and especially the skybox foliage to prevent the drop on FPS that was very noticeable on the last version of the map. Although it is not perfect yet (I have to make better oclluders and some minor tweaking on a couple models) the small drop in FPS I notice on my low-mid end machine (with3ds, photoshop and hammer running while I test) is barely noticeable.

Directions: Check the first image below to see the new signs I made for now. Nothing too snazzy, but they do their job.

Anyway, I hope to meet everyone expectations since I am now taking a major step towards Beta. My guesses are that if this next testing goes out smoothly I'll be moving from Alpha to Beta on schedule for a possible final release by the end of the year.

And in the spirit of the heavy update:


Download link: http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=376

Thanks a lot everyone so far!
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Mar 10, 2008
Awesome! I'm really looking forward to play this one (haven't touched it since some early alpha version). You have some very nice ideas and I like the custom models.

You outdoor lighting seems a little overexposed especially on white surfaces and on the clouds. Did you place a logic_auto that sets the properties of the tonemap_controller?


L6: Sharp Member
May 7, 2008
Thanks GarbageMan. Yes I noticed the overexposed areas as well now that I am on my notebook. The problem with sharing a PC with someone else is that I can never get the monitor set up properly, because the other parties think that it is better to use them at lower brightness. That's why to me it looked OK until I got here.

Well, I guess it's one more thing to check before uploading!


L2: Junior Member
Feb 14, 2008

wil upload to server and try it out

its a big old file for peopel to download at 40mb, theres no ambient noise either, even under the waterfall
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L6: Sharp Member
Jan 29, 2008
Yeah, I definitely notice the FPS gain on this build in comparison to previous builds.

One little visual niggle, you know the sheet-metal ramp you can jump up? The chain-link fence that runs next to it has some of the poles floating in mid-air, usually around the "corner."


L6: Sharp Member
May 7, 2008
Hey guys, here is the advancment I could squeeze up this week:

Also, here is a nice gallery of the props that I made for the map: (I just noticed thatI'm missing the blue light post there)


L1: Registered
Aug 21, 2008
Wow. That is one awesome map! I love the planes.


L6: Sharp Member
May 7, 2008
Thanks guys!

Since the update came out I have been meditating on this issue.On one hand, my tree and mountain models give it a unique look. But on the other hand, they are not nearly as good as Valve's Pine forest models.

If you take a look back at page 5 you would find my concept for the forest:


It is indeed my original concept is of a pine forest, not a jungle like I ended up with, and the skybox ihad planned is exactly what valve did with Lumberyard.

If I think about the great scheme of things, I belive that the plane models, the hangar models and other custom props are on a higher level of quality than my tree and mountain models. And the planes and hangars and overlays are enugh to keep my map unique.

On this tought I will at least give it a try. Next week I'll be reworking the whole forest and skybox with the trees, rocks and other props from Lumberyard.

I think the overhall quality of the map will significantly increase.