
KotH Winterstorm B3a


L1: Registered
Feb 22, 2022
Boby updated Winterstorm with a new update entry:

A12 changes

*changed mid​

Screenshot (89).png

Screenshot (90).png

Screenshot (91).png

Screenshot (92).png

Screenshot (93).png

*made some one way doors two way doors​

*made a death pit behind the waterfall deeper​


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50 crashes and counting!
Jul 10, 2017
Loving the consistent changes! But you set up some doors wrong, The Visualizers on every friendly spawn door can be seen by both teams. I'd guess you forgot to link them to the spawnroom itself, or something like that.

More importantly, the large middle blue spawn door doesnt open. At all! The red door is fine, so I would look between the two to see the problem. All in all, I'm liking your persitence with this project, I think the unorthodox ways of gaining height could create some loony nuts battles, but make sure the Logic's in order!


L1: Registered
Feb 22, 2022
Loving the consistent changes! But you set up some doors wrong, The Visualizers on every friendly spawn door can be seen by both teams. I'd guess you forgot to link them to the spawnroom itself, or something like that.

More importantly, the large middle blue spawn door doesnt open. At all! The red door is fine, so I would look between the two to see the problem. All in all, I'm liking your persitence with this project, I think the unorthodox ways of gaining height could create some loony nuts battles, but make sure the Logic's in order!
thanks for the feedback. I will fix that asap

edit: So yea for some reason overlays above the doors was breaking all that so I just removed them ,idk why that braked it but oh well it is fixed now
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L1: Registered
Feb 22, 2022
Boby updated Winterstorm with a new update entry:

A13 changes

*fixed some bugs​

*made it so when players are in the waterfall there is a blue light that lights up to better signal to the player that someone is in the waterfall and that it is a route you can take

*changed the overlays in the spawns to make them look nicer​

*this was supposed to be a12a but I fucked up and didn't uploaded it (T.T)

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L1: Registered
Feb 22, 2022
Boby updated Winterstorm with a new update entry:

A17 changes

*changed layout a bit
*changed some details to make more sense with the theme of the map
*fixed a stuck spot
*readjusted jump pads a bit to hopefully make them feel better when playing
*added back no build in the waters (engineer op as hell if allowed to build no more)
*fixed some spots on mid where players could stand
*fixed other minor bugs
(some pictures of the layout changes in hammer(was to lazy to take them in game...))
Screenshot (99).png


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