
triplet b4


pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008

Current version: B4

Formerly known as cp_escapist


A simple 3 control point map that aims to promote tight, aggressive, team focused play. The layout, although simple, should offer a number of routes & room to manoeuvre, and hence should encourage flanking and a variety of other tactics. So without further ado, here is cp_triplet_b4 in all it's organised, optimised stylee. Enjoi. :D

Download: link

Thanks to ABS for his resource pack, Icarus for textures, Y_M for prefabs, and Rexy and Acumen for models. If you see anything that I've not mentioned let me know. ;)
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Wall Staples
Jun 10, 2009
Looks like a problematic sightline in the second screenshot. Is the roof in the 3rd screenshot accessable wihout rocket/sticky-jumping? If not that could be problematic too. I'll try and give this a more in depth run-through later.
Jan 20, 2010
I've played this map. It is absolutely glorious and professionally done. But fix that damn fish. >: O


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
I like the escapist magazine but you should probably remove the logo/sign that's blatently promoting it. Or atleast remove it in an official release if it's for a contest or something.

Other than that, it's pretty pretty.
Jan 20, 2010
I like the escapist magazine but you should probably remove the logo/sign that's blatently promoting it. Or atleast remove it in an official release if it's for a contest or something.

Other than that, it's pretty pretty.

It was for a contest for the Escapist. That is why there is logos everywhere. :|


pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008
Okrag, Not sure what you mean about the sightline. Any chance you could elaborate please? The roof in the third pic is only accessible by rocket / sticky jumping but it's not caused any problems in playtests so far. It's on the flanking routes and is totally away from the control point so there's not much point camping it.

Grazr, I'm kind of in two minds about the logos. On the one hand this map would never have been made if they hadn't commissioned it for their tournament, on the other they are pretty huge bits of free advertising. I did try and make the overlays look like they belonged in TF2 and in some ways I think they fit the building pretty well. I'm open to further discussion on the subject and name suggestions too.

Leminnes, thanks man, don't worry that damn fish will not beat me, worse case scenario: he's fired.

Cheers for the feedback guys.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
It was for a contest for the Escapist. That is why there is logos everywhere. :|

Yea, well i guessed as much, but it doesn't have to stay there if the submission has already been made. TF2maps has run several contests and some have required TF2maps advertisement posters in them. But when the map is developed after the contest people don't have to keep those advertisements.
Apr 19, 2009
As a member of The Escapist I don't mind the logos as much. :p However, they look out of place because a lack of TF2 flair. This mainly stems from the text font, if it say were more of a TF2 font I think it would blend in much better.


pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008
If I remember rightly the font is DIN, which is one of the fonts used by VALVe. :S
Anyway I think I'll pull them eventually, but I'll need a replacement as that's a BIG empty wall otherwise.

As it is the central building is pretty generic so I'm not sure what type of overlays would look good instead. I guess making up another TF2 sounding company and sticking up some logos of that would be best. Also needs a new name in that case...


L11: Posh Member
Feb 7, 2009
Yeah, the detail rooms are brighter than the gameplay area, and i dont like the three different window models right next to each other.

Also, your center building has too many grey/concrete imho.
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L2: Junior Member
Oct 22, 2009

It seems a bit odd for those metal doorframes on the right wall to have diagonal supports.


Wall Staples
Jun 10, 2009
The problem with the roof is it needs to be more exposed. Think gravelpit how the roof is slanted giving you better views of the people on the roof at B. With a flat roof you can just back up and be safe from harm.


L2: Junior Member
Jan 24, 2009
Here are a few things I would like you to suggest changing:

-Screens 1 and 2 show very little cover for wide-open areas. Perhaps you should add objects like crates, barrels, trucks or makeshift barriers made from different props and brushwork (Ex: Sawmill's sheet metal with 2fort's nails nailed onto wooden logs sticking out of the ground (add small rocks around the logs to give players the sense that the ground was recently dug up)) so players can find cover without being sniped.
-As mentioned above, Snipers might have too much of an advantage with the outdoor areas in the first two screens. Limit some of the terrain to break up sniping chokepoints and have the opportunity to add cover for opposing players.

-I also think that the diagonal supports for the metal doorframes in the control point room look odd. It would be best to remove them altogether.

-The healthkit beneath the control point in the last screenshot looks out of place if its on an oddly shaped platform. My advice to you would be to redo that area or find another place to put the healthkit.

Hope this helps
Jan 20, 2010
I can't speak FOR Boylee, but I can say how this map played when it was tested.

To me, the area in the first and second screenshot is very much a "transitional" flanking area. Very little fighting goes on there, so cover would both not be used and just clutter the area, in my opinion. The main battle areas are screen 6 and 4. (And 4's corresponding blue side.)

I highly suggest not judging from the screens and instead downloading the map and looking at it. I think the screens give a inaccurate view of how the map is shaped and how it would play.
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Feb 18, 2009
Played it earlier, was a lot of fun with 32 players and I wouldn't mind seeing the 6v6 results either.


Wall Staples
Jun 10, 2009
I wouldn't mind do a pug of this. You should see about organizing one.


pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008
OK responses to your feedback folks:

  1. You're right Nutomic, the detail areas shouldn't be brighter than the gameplay areas. I'll address this next release.

  2. I hear what you're saying about the roofs Okrag, but those flanking routes are not used a great deal, and when they are it's mostly by scouts and spies. Camping up there would be a waste of time. I've never even seen a soldier or demo even use them in all the time I've played it, let alone camp them.

  3. The diagonal door supports were put there because those doors are really big and there's 2 of them in a major load-bearing structural wall. I think IRL that you'd need something like them in place to keep the structure stable and stop the door beamss from buckling.

  4. The wide open areas in front of the building aren't actually that wide open, the screens are deceptive as this is actually a really small map. In all the playtests so far it certainly hasn't been a problem and I'm not keen on cluttering that area up as it'll be way too crowded in a 12v12 game. I can maybe add some small bits of cover around there if further playtests suggest it's warranted, but for the moment I'll leave it as is. Like Lem said give it a DL and a runabout I think you'll see, given the scale, that it shouldn't be a problem.

  5. The health kit platform under the centre point does look a little odd I have to admit. I'll see if I can make it more natural next time round.

  6. I'll get those clipping issues sorted in the next release, thanks for reporting those VIVA, that's very helpful.

Glad you enjoyed it Selentic, to be honest I'm surprised it wasn't absolute mayhem on a full 32 player server. :lol:

Okrag, I would organise a PUG but I'm living in South Korea at the moment so timezone differences and lag make it very hard to play with anyone I know. :/

Thanks guys, useful stuff, keep it coming. :D