Triplet b4
By Boylee
Current version: B4
Formerly known as cp_escapist
A simple 3 control point map that aims to promote tight, aggressive, team focused play. The layout, although simple, should offer a number of routes & room to manoeuvre, and hence should encourage flanking and a variety of other tactics. So without further ado, here is cp_triplet_b4 in all it's organised, optimised stylee. Enjoi.
Download: link
Thanks to ABS for his resource pack, Icarus for textures, Y_M for prefabs, and Rexy and Acumen for models. If you see anything that I've not mentioned let me know.
Current version: B4
Formerly known as cp_escapist

A simple 3 control point map that aims to promote tight, aggressive, team focused play. The layout, although simple, should offer a number of routes & room to manoeuvre, and hence should encourage flanking and a variety of other tactics. So without further ado, here is cp_triplet_b4 in all it's organised, optimised stylee. Enjoi.

Download: link
Thanks to ABS for his resource pack, Icarus for textures, Y_M for prefabs, and Rexy and Acumen for models. If you see anything that I've not mentioned let me know.