The TF2 Vehicle Prop pack - A collection of TF2 styled vehicles created by members of the TF2 Community.
Bapaul - Bugatti Racer
Boomsta - Train Liner
Boomsta, Noizeblaze - Diesel TRain
Cinnamon - Hudson Locomotive
Cosa, Metaru - Sherman Tank
Deora2dude, Stev Prat in the Hat - Steam Engine PRR T1
DeRoseJ - Hearse
Donhonk - Snowcat
EArkham - vehicle tuktuk
evil knevil, NassimO - delivery van
Evil knevil, NassimO - tram
evilfoxnl14 - truckbed (pickup)
Gigazell, Ertz - Rusto Bulldozer
Heinous - LMF66
Heinous - M8A
Jukebox - Army Truck
Jukebox - Pennyfarthing
Jukebox - Tricycle
Rain - Cement Truck
Rain - Harvester
Rain, NassimO, Badgerpig - Armor Car
SedimentarySocks - Combine Harvester
SedimentarySocks - Wagon
Snood - Skybox blimp
MOD NOTE: Square was one of the lead managers of the Vehicle Contest. I had him create a thread so that he could be assigned it, and receive proper credit/thanks