The Newest Mapper On The Block


L1: Registered
Aug 10, 2020
Hey, thanks for taking the time to read my introduction! I'm going to make this brief but informational. I go by Profile, as my name suggests. I am a very new mapper, so forgive me for all of the mapping help threads you will all have to read. I am also making my first map at the time of me typing this, so wish me luck!


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Hello, Profile! The TF2M community welcomes you with open arms!

And it's no issue that you're inexperienced. Everyone starts out that way! Compare my very first map from 2015 with one of my more recent ones. I'm still nowhere near where I want to be, but I've improved leaps and bounds in my time here, wouldn't you say? And I learn slower than most! Just stick with it, don't be afraid, and get help when you need it, and in a few years you'll be making some pretty good maps!