TF2M Annual Major Contest # 3


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
I think it's fair to assume that if a map meets all of the chosen criteria that its "fun", and a maps average "fun-ness" can be equated from its overall score.

If it flows well then +1 for enjoyment, if it's fully detailed +1 for enjoyment, if it performs well on your computer +1 for enjoyment, if its well balanced for teams and classes +1 for enjoyment, if it meets the TF2 theme then +1 for enjoyment. By marking a map on these variables one is essentially grading its potential fun-ness.


L1: Registered
Nov 21, 2009
Minimum rating reminder!

As of this posting the following people have not yet reached the minimum required rated maps. Next to each name is how many more they need to meet the minimum.

Chaopsychochick: 1 CTF, 5 PLR
Fearlezz: 1 CTF, 3 PLR
Jack Riguel: 2 PLR
Jonah: 2 CTF, 3 PLR
Labelmaker: 2 CTF, 3 PLR
Littleedge: 4 PLR
Lord Ned: 1 CTF, 2 PLR
Occlusion: 4 CTF, 3 PLR
Overheal: 1 PLR
Owlruler: 1 CTF, 1 PLR
Randdalf: 5 PLR
StuartPB: 1 PLR
Tapp: 4 CTF, 5 PLR
Westerhound: 3 PLR

Voters who do not reach the minimum requirement will have their votes discarded. (deadline will be around the middle of next week, final time should get posted tomorrow)
Done and Thank You. And to all the Mapmakers whos work I got the chance to play on this weekend! I tried Hammer once - I could barely get my head around building a box shaped room. Granted that was long before Source but I imagine it cant be at all easy. Well done to the lot of you!

The other thread is for votes, this one is for talking. - ABS
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Jack Riguel

L10: Glamorous Member
Jul 19, 2009
So is there an average estimate as to when the judge's ratings will be revealed? I remember reading somewhere that they were expected to do it in a week's time... but I couldn't imagine with the amount of maps entered that it will be the case, especially with the good Mr. Casali on the panel.


Dec 5, 2007
The entire judge pannel had a lot more work to do that you lot interms of voting its only logical that their process take longer (which it is) we should be announcing in under a week.


L10: Glamorous Member
May 4, 2008