
KotH Synthetic rc6a

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Nov 6, 2011
You need to update the version string (a1 to a1a) in order for the map to properly update on our site (and sequentially, be able to properly update on our servers). Attempted to run this in an imp but since the version string is the same I cannot.


L2: Junior Member
Nov 2, 2017
Hey Megapieman!
Saw your map and figured I'd share some of my thoughts!
First off I just want to say your map looks amazing. Even in dev textures it already feels like a space that would exist in TF2, kind of like it's in the same area as process or powerhouse.
Something I felt a bit walking through was that it feels a little maze-like at times. There are a lot or different routes, and I feel like that heavily favors the flank classes. I think some more open space would do good, particularly in the second building near the point. Opening that up I think could make a huge difference.
Another thing I'd like to mention is that I feel as if your point is a bit discouraging. Trying to cap looks a bit like a death sentence considering the spam that can come from the adjacent roof or even whatever nastiness can come through the shutters. Just something to keep an eye on when you get more play-testing. Here's some more detail if you need it:
Really looking forward to seeing future versions, though! It looks like a lot of fun!


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Really excited about this update. I feel like I did some good stuff here. Hope it ends up being good.

-lowered overall accessible highground
-fixed players being able to cap the point while on the roofs
-changed angled brush with cylinders on it by mid to be a path into that building
-fixed multiple clipping issues and misaligned brushes
-extended stairs in lower flank to fit the width of the hallway instead of leaving a lil nook
-moved player spawn to be more in the middle of the room so both left and right exits are more appealing
-set doors at point to be open
-added health and ammo pickups in building before mid's courtyard
-upgraded small health and ammo pickups in the mid side buildings to medium pickups
-added new path to highground in courtyard before point
-moved right path over to the left a bit to make it less out of the way from spawn
-removed wasted space by spawn
-added some one way windows to building before point courtyard
-widened upper catwalk from building infront of spawn to building infront of point courtyard
-added prop below drop down inside building infront of spawn courtyard
-added stairs to inside of building before mid courtyard to upper areas
-removed overhang roof and doorway on the red's right side of the building before mid courtyard and gave all classes easy access in hopes of giving snipers somewhere to camp
-raised skybox after first transition building
-shortened transition building between spawn and the transition courtyard in order to shorten length between spawn room and point. It's now 3900 some units instead of over 4000 which is still larger than Viaduct's 3100 some units but Synthetic isn't a clone of viaduct so I DON'T GIVE A CRAP YO!!!!

Read the rest of this update entry...


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-shortened first transition building in order to lower walk time to point
-widened point area
-squared off upper platforms by point
-changed height variation by spawn and first transitional building to be more in favor of the spawning team
-remade a lot of the first transitional building to give the spawning team more height advantage in order to stop whoever owns the point from pushing into the spawn area.
-removed second env_light that existed for some reason
-remade skybox brushes
-changed spawn doors to have windows
-some detailing, probably more than I should do at this point but whatever. Ya know how it is.
-raised point owners respawn time from 8 to 12 seconds
-removed roof vents on tall buildings at mid and changed em around to be more interesting as well as give players more options of where to go.
-blocked some new sight lines created by new areas that could be a bit overpowered
-cleaned up some really just awful brushwork. I mean really, what was I thinking when I originally made this map?

Read the rest of this update entry...


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
This map would fit pretty well with the pipeline theming
I'm far from themeing at this point but I've been thinking industrial/farm since the overall idea is a synthetic feed mill thing. I'm not super familiar with Pipeline but I'll look into it and see if I think it'll fit. Nothing's set in stone at the moment.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-shortened 2nd transitional building in order to make it quicker from spawn to point
-lowered overall point height and added some mid height variety around point (may reverse this depending on how it plays)
-some detail work
-moved angled wall of side building by point to block extensive sniper sightlines
-edited ramps to point and underground flank to fit the changed space from the angled building
-added signs by point
-other things I don't remember
-changed skybox and env_lighting

Read the rest of this update entry...


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-changed med ammo in tunnels to small ammo
-changed weird wire shed thing by spawn building to just be some concrete walkway area thing
-fixed clipping around map
-added barrels by pipes by tunnel
-Widened sign on 2nd transitional building to block weird lil sightline to first transitional building.
-changed respawn time after point is caped. Attackers now have a 6 sec respawn and defenders have an 8
-removed health pack 'n ammo on left side of 1st trasitional building
-edited stairs out of tunnel to be smaller while replacing the guard wall above them with a shoot throughable handrail
-Moved health n ammo behind left angled wall under catwalk to next to the 2nd transitional building
-moved health and ammo from tunnel to closer to point
-simplified tunnels and changed indoor exit to be easier to cover and more predictable
-changed indoor area on the side of the point to block a weird sniper sightline that no one complained about but probably would eventually since I think people just hadn't found it yet
-changed the layout of spawn rooms to try and make it so players favor the left exit less (psst. Hey...uh... there's a right side to this map. Did you know that? You can go out the spawn exit on the right and there's a whole side of a map over there. You should try it out some time, it's magical)
-messed around with tonemap's n such with lighting
-some other stuff that I don't remember

Read the rest of this update entry...


L1: Registered
Nov 25, 2017
You either forgot to remove or accidentally removed a medkit near right side of spawn. Either way both sides of the map aren't equal at the moment. Mid is also extremely low on ammo right now, so I suggest moving the available packs around a bit.

I'll have some deeper insights once I've actually playtested it.

L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 24, 2017
Alright, third sub of the week for spanish class without instructions.
Time to binge watch the entire synthetic overview series.