Howdy. I had some ideas for detailing last night so I'mma go over em here.
Inside of the red circles, I think you could afford to place some eerie candles there. This building is quite dark as it stands right now and I think having some artificial, yet still spooky light with them here would bring a lot of alleviation to that. Additionally, I really think that you could bring this building to a bit more life by having an interior up in that attic space; If you'll notice, I drew a window to replace the sign, as well as an attic hatch on the top with the slanted roof; I think you could make a really, really cool easter egg there and have the upper floor be enterable to some degree. Inside, I think you could try taking some inspiration from the "Pidgeon Coop" scene from Detroit Become Human, it was a really tense moment in-game and I think that atmosphere would be really fitting in a TF2 halloween map.
Here, I really think you could have a bit of a glow from behind this vent and have it emit some green gas that can be found in the OoB of the spawnrooms. It'd be a really nice touch imo.
"Wth happened here?" I feel like you could have a ghost house model periodically fading in and out to justify this weird, geometry issue. It looks so strange now that I've seen it. Is it in normal Sawmill...?
I think there's a lot that could be done to this building to make it more interesting, while still maintaining its shape. The first couple things, which I know I told you about in discord, is breaking out a bit of the building with the shattered window up top and having a bit of the boards missing where that second gray outline is. I really do think you could break those boards, have a bit of chicken wire behind it, and show the interior of the building having some toxic waste inside. I think you could also creak that door open there and have some spooky, green lighting coming out of it, like there's something going on inside.
Another couple of additions that I thought of is that you could have a big ol' "BEWARE" right on the side of that building, maybe with emitting particles and some running waste coming from the letters? I think that'd be really cool, and it's just silly enough for it to be TF2 still. Also, the blood slash on the RED sign is just simply a must.
I think here, with all the waste in the water, you could honestly get away with recolouring the water to something similar to Yokohama's last. It'd look REALLY cool and I feel like it'd make the areas a lot more visually distinct from the rest of the map in a good and interesting way. If that's too bright tho, maybe the green water from the
Water & Liquids Pack?
I think a fun little easter egg would be to have a spy hiding behind these planks of wood, holding a kitchen knife. It'd just be cool, y'know.
I think there is a lot of unknown potential is the backside of the waterfall, I'm just not really sure to go with it at the moment. It definitely gives off a weirdly liminal space vibe, and I think you could try exploiting that in some way. Maybe what you could do is have the underside of the waterfall enter into a big, open chasm with a strong, green glow coming from it; It's inspired by "Earthmover" from Batman Beyond, where it's just like a massive pit of toxic chemicals being illegally dumped into the earth. I think it'd make for an amazing view!
So, hear me out for a moment. Currently, I think this is a very uninteresting part of the map, both inside and out. So, what I think you could do is make it so that,
perhaps, some sort of alien saucer cut out a hole in the roof and flew away with it. I KNOW I KNOW IT SOUND CRAZY, but you could even justify it by smoldering wood where the aliens cut through the roof of the sawmill and made their escape. I think it would provide a very new-feeling main area of play, while still maintaining the gameplay since you could just have a playerclip brush with however deep you want the hole to be here. (That's what she said)
I just think it'd be cool if you busted this window out tbh.
I think I'm gonna stop here for now; I had a couple of other ideas while running around, but these are definitely the main things I'd like to see happen with this map.