

L6: Sharp Member
Aug 25, 2010
Home state what's up Terwonick. Only been to California for 1 week ten years ago, but I remember it being warm at least. I'm down near Mexicantown in Detroit, and I'll tell you it's rough. But the people are still stickin it out.

Most of what Terwonick is saying is pretty acceptable in Michigan. We're real independent, and there's alot of libertarians. Our Senator Carl Levin was one of the bastards that proposed the NDAA with John McCain. Our last governor was a carpetbagger and we had Romney's dad in the 80s. Long story short, I think it's time to take self government more seriously too. The current system is too corrupt to even work with anymore. If we rout em out we can get back to debating American style. Right now the corruption is too deep to get anything done.

I live 10 minutes outside of Midland, and like he said my views aren't truly that out there for Michigan. We're the lowest economic state out there, and if I live in the "Dow Bubble" and say this, it has to be like 2x worse for everybody else. If there's a revolution it's like a 95% chance that it will happen in Michigan. Honestly here we don't want socialism, we realize that untouched capitalism worked perfectly for about 130 years. The only reason it stopped working so well is that we started getting laws interfering with businesses and the government started controlling us. Honestly I'm tired of you guys telling me that because I don't "earn money" i'm not allowed to gripe about taxes. my paycheck this summer was just under $100, with NO taxes, it would have been about $10 higher! That's money I could have used and put back into the economy, creating jobs and helping pay others. Watch the explination on capitalism, "the most compassionate system out there," as said by Peter Schiff


Feb 18, 2009

I love libertarians. Your hilariously stupid capitalism4life shit never gets old. I'm pretty willing to bet that you, and most of your country have absolutely no understanding of socialism, or communism, or any other economic system for that matter, since you're trying to spew how great capitalism is all day long :]

Whether you like it or not capitalism is going to come crashing down (preferably soon) as you can not sustain a system which revolves around infinite growth being possible. Capitalism was designed for a different age, and is no longer a viable economic system, but by all means keep listening to sickening greedy fucktarded millionaires like Peter Schiff who gain the most by convincing gullible people like you that there is no alternative and what we have is the best possible system!

Also greed is the reason this bill exists, so I'm holding Capitalism responsible for its existence :3
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L666: ])oo]v[
Jul 22, 2009
Honestly I'm tired of you guys telling me that because I don't "earn money" i'm not allowed to gripe about taxes. my paycheck this summer was just under $100, with NO taxes, it would have been about $10 higher! That's money I could have used and put back into the economy, creating jobs and helping pay others.

you still have 100 bucks. how many jobs have you created?


L1: Registered
Feb 20, 2011
Capitalism has a historic record of working for alot longer than communism. Modern capitalism is too corrupt to hold as a working standard. I also dislike the idea of growth that capitalism is focused on, and I think it leads to abuse. But the SOPA bill is not actually because of capitalism, it's a naked attempt to restrict internet communication. SOPA was not drafted to make money, but to set up a system where the internet can be shut off whenever they want to.

The system hates the internet and they want to slow it down until they can learn how to control it. The number one danger for them is not economic: they make up the American dollar as they need it. SOPA is a thinly veiled tool to control American debate the same way they already do on television.

Anti-Capitalist arguments are important, but we need to fight the system where it's most critical. The SOPA act will make it impossible for any of us to watch and then post links to anti-capitalism documentaries. Kill the SOPA and arrest it criminal authors!!!



Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
If I had to throw out a wild guess, I'd speculate that the entertainment industry fairly recently had someone crunch the numbers and discover that if things keep up at the rate they've been going, they're going to be crushed under the global economic collapse they've been immune to all this time, and have decided either (A) that piracy is somehow at fault for it or (B) if they're going to come crashing down, they're going to bring their biggest competitor — the Internet — down with them.