Soldier vs. Demo update released!


Ancient Pyro Main
Aug 11, 2008
And I think it's a good time to announce that I AM GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN.

EDIT: And winner only gets one more extra weapon, which I think is the same for both classes.


L69: Deviant Member
Dec 9, 2009
I second that rocket and/or sticky jumping will come into it, even if it's not the secret weapon.
Demoman is currently pretty balanced because although he has two very powerful weapons, they are slow to fire and reload and his only other choice is melee.
As for the soldier, he's only negligibly faster than the heavy, so if you can't rocket jump (you poor thing) you're pretty much screwed. That and the reload time for the rocket launcher is crippling, making him a real hit-and-run class.
I'm anxious to see whether the classes are about to get übered or nerfed. Knowing Valve, though, I think things will pan out pretty nicely.
Aug 10, 2009
RIP engys, heavys, and spies

oh and you'll have less medics too

Actually in a game today, we had on average 3 medics. I think the amount of hurt people has brought in more medics addicted to their ubers. Also, we had a lot of spies due to the slow classes all facing one way. This will probably balance out over the next few days, but one thing is certain, engies will be having a HARD time, I only saw about 2 through about 10 games.

Dario Casali has told me that the demo weapon is a million times cooler. Go team demos!

Called it :D

EDIT: I wonder if they'll show the weapon that wasn't..
Feb 14, 2008
You're obviously not with the right demomen :V


Old Hat
Nov 12, 2007
You're obviously not with the right demomen :V

That can be said of any class though. Even medic+scout would be awesome if you were with the "right" scout. It's a question of how much skill does it take to be the "right" player, and how much of the general population has that skill. That's where I think soldiers have an unfortunate advantage.
Feb 14, 2008
That can be said of any class though. Even medic+scout would be awesome if you were with the "right" scout. It's a question of how much skill does it take to be the "right" player, and how much of the general population has that skill. That's where I think soldiers have an unfortunate advantage.

Tell your demo to use his stickies then - soldiers are slow and cumbersome and can't easily doge stickies chucked at him.
Sep 12, 2008
Both demo and soldier are my two favourite classes! D: WHAT SHOULD I DO?
If I'd know if the 7th weapon is the primary weapon, i'd choose demoman. Cause I already have a community Rocketlauncher :D


Jul 31, 2009
This is going to turn into a competition between players. Yet another way to divide the community. Medals. Hats. Demo/Soldier. Demo/Soldier K/D ratio.

Each update's "fun" part just gets worse and worse. I just want the stuff, the maps and the improvements, that's fun for me.

I like the idea, I don't mind it, but I don't like the counters. Bad idea.


L10: Glamorous Member
May 4, 2008
I think the soldier will win because it requires less skills and many new players use the class to spam rockets.

But Im on the demoman side :D

Jack Riguel

L10: Glamorous Member
Jul 19, 2009
bleh, ive never been more irritated by something valve has done. Releasing the sandman and fan, meh. Removing all hats from the idler, hilarious. Making a private beta where a fancy new engie wrench exists and not letting me use it, annoying. Updating the 2 most spammable classes at the same time, making a secret weapon that could possibly be wasted on a terrible class (soldier), and basing who gets it on destroying gameplay for a week! Just...evil...

Eh...that said, i joined the team engie group <_<
Though i may be tempted to play demo just to ensure that soldier doesn't win...(ugh...valve...)

But there is no way in hell soldier will not win...they have (on our server anyways) 70 000 more kills then demos :(

Exactly. Honestly, I'd rather see a Solider update. But the mere fact that they did them both at the same time, and had them fighting one another for another unlock is, well... like you said, evil. There's no doubt in my mind that Soilly will win, So that being said I'm siding with Demo.

But yea... friend of mine is playing soldier, and we played on a few servers together tonight. I reached about 45 kills. She reached 200+. I don't think it's going to be that much of a surprise...
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Oct 25, 2007
the overwhelming demoman support here is frightening. i hope your cache files corrupt.