
KotH Smiw A12


Deliberately incoherent
Jun 1, 2013
Pawlakov updated Smiw with a new update entry:

Update to version A7d

A bunch of minor changes:
  • restored an accidentally hidden visgroup with clipping (oops)
  • aligned the fences on both sides of the map to the same height
  • removed shadows from the flank gates
  • added some more clipping on the stairs at the control point
  • added some clipping to prevent players from getting stuck under the overhang near the basement exit
  • added some more props to signify oob areas

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Deliberately incoherent
Jun 1, 2013


Deliberately incoherent
Jun 1, 2013
Pawlakov updated Smiw with a new update entry:

Update to version A8

General changes:
  • slightly decreased capture rate
  • increased the respawn waves to match most other koth maps (might undo this later)
  • restructurisation of instances and logic
  • slight relocations of pickups here and there

CP area changes:
  • team-colored bar buildings
  • one more one-way gate into the tree yard
  • closed off the passage between the tree yard and the basement under the bar
  • added a dropdown between both levels of the bar building

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Deliberately incoherent
Jun 1, 2013
Pawlakov updated Smiw with a new update entry:

Update to version A9

  • simplified tree collisions
  • closed the passage through the middle of the newbuild
  • closed the passage between the back yard and the basement
  • enlarged the back yard a little bit, and changed the layout of the stairs leading to the resupply
  • added some temporary soundscapes to break the oppressive silence
  • reorganization of the instance logic due to switching back to the stock vbsp (valve pls...

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Deliberately incoherent
Jun 1, 2013
Pawlakov updated Smiw with a new update entry:

Update to version A11

  • added some obstancles to make sniping people exiting the spawn less convenient
  • reopened the flank (but the only entrance is throught the basement)
  • changed the layout of the stairs at the point to make entering the bar less convenient for the defenders
  • added some neat props in the bar basement
  • readjusted some ramps and props around the newbuild
  • rearranged the pickups from the flank

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Deliberately incoherent
Jun 1, 2013
Pawlakov updated Smiw with a new update entry:

Update to version A11a

  • added an additional dumpster to serve as cover for people exiting from the basement into the left field
  • moved the bulldozer slightly closer to the point
  • slightly moved the pick-ups in the basement to make them more visible
  • added nobuild brushes between the ends of the spawnrooms and the visualizers
  • slightly moved the sign on the sandbags
  • patched a gap in displacements

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Deliberately incoherent
Jun 1, 2013
Pawlakov updated Smiw with a new update entry:

Update to version A12

Major changes:
  • radical reduction of pick-ups
  • added 2 more trees on the control point because why not
  • removed last traces of the one-way gates
  • shrank the tree yard
  • realigned the entrance to the bar from the right yard
  • cut off a part of the left yard and moved the bulldozer even closer to the control point
  • and some cosmetic changes i couldn't be bothered to enumerate

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