Ravine Event (arena_ravine_event)

Ravine Event (arena_ravine_event) B6


L2: Junior Member
Mar 15, 2017
Ravine Event (tdm_ravine_event) - A spooky version of arena_ravine with a gamemode change.

The blues were doing some Halloween decorating one day when all of a sudden a manor appeared out of nowhere. Oh and the sky turned purple and the reds are the ones who own the manor. Time to fight for this mining land.

This is a reskin of the classic arena map ravine. It so far includes:
a halloween makeover and a game mode change (from arena to tdm).

The goal in tdm is to be the first team to get a certain amount of kills first.
Also to prevent spawn camping, whenever you spawn you get a 5 second uber buff.

As of now the map doesn't include a underworld but I am planning to add one so don't worry. Also more detail does need to added in some areas. Hope you enjoy. :)


L2: Junior Member
Mar 15, 2017
Yeah I was working on this the other day when I noticed you uploaded yours. Yours is pretty good as well. Good luck on your version :)


L2: Junior Member
Mar 15, 2017
Ok so after recent test, I'm gonna add some new areas. Btw red don't think I'm copying you. After all your map is ctf and mine is tdm.


High on melancholy
Dec 3, 2016
Btw red don't think I'm copying you. After all your map is ctf and mine is tdm.

No problem. I just wanted to inform you that there is already one Ravine Event.


L2: Junior Member
Mar 15, 2017
you can no longer suicide or kill yourself by accident to give the enemy a point, they must kill you. Also I have added a cap which every time you cap will give you 10 points and then you will lose the cap and repeat. However, at the moment, there is a couple of things need changing and fixed with the cap point so sorry about that. Once I get those issues fixed and changed I will post a new version.

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L2: Junior Member
Mar 15, 2017
Warning the new update is actually broken. Should of called it the unfixed update.


L2: Junior Member
Mar 15, 2017
Made the spawns bigger so now there is two ways out, added doors which work, resupply locker added and done a tiny bit of detail on the manor on reds side. I have forgot about health packs however but will realise a update soon as possible that adds them. I want to make sure that people will enjoy this so any feedback or suggestions is really appreciated. :)

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