

Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Do you have the further education in physics and engineering required to back up a claim that a structure like that actually couldn't hold a device of an undisgnated weight and material composition? Sure, it could be considered questionable for the sakes of questioning the thematic style of RED, and how it "looks" to "you" personally. But that's an assumption for something that's still functionally appropriate. You dismiss wood as a viable construction material simply because there are stronger more appropriate materials out there (which don't fit the RED theme), but that's not to say that it isn't capable of holding up that device. Wood is actually an incredibly versatile and strong material.

But this is getting irrelavent to the map so if you want to discuss this further, feel free to PM me so to discuss certain Game and Level Design design issues with you. Because now you're just being incredibly pedantic.


L4: Comfortable Member
May 30, 2009
just saw the demo from yesterdays gameday, and based on what u said this is what i can think of:

- nobuild in the bunker? (although this will make engineers pretty useless, or what do u think?)
- timer stops when the bunker is closed
- random time like between 90-150 sec?
- optimize more/better

what do u think of these changes? or got anything else on your mind?
let me know!
Last edited:


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
I'll try to run a map test to give you some feedback. Expect something in the course of next week, at most.

@Grazr : sorry you understood it that way, I sent you a PM. Remember I'm not a native english speaker so I may sound more formal than necessary.


L4: Comfortable Member
May 30, 2009
Gameday bump! :D

Any thoughts?

thinking about moving the CP to the top of the bunker, something like this:

when the bombing begins, lower the CP down into the bunker, pausing the timer and close everything...

would this be better?


Oct 30, 2008
Yes, it probably would. Also is there any way to stop the timer when the bombing starts? It's basically a free extra minute or so to the team that has the cp.


L4: Comfortable Member
May 30, 2009
Alpha 9 is out!

- playerclips in a few places
- soundscapes
- nobuild in the dropdown door zone
- optimized better
- textured the last devtextures
- some visual changes to the blue spawn and the rocketroom next to it


L4: Comfortable Member
May 30, 2009
Alpha 10 is out!

- few, well needed playerclips
- areaportals
- detailed some more
- nodrawed alot
- maplist thumbnail
- menu photos
- readmefile

updated the screenshots aswell!


Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
I don't think anyone had fun playing this. This bunker is too open for demoman rape from above, and the capture time is so long that the only time you can really get the point is while the bombing kills everyone. The main point in the map is also the most major problem, considering it locks you out of the spawns and the bunker and can't be predicted. Plus, the trapdoor in the spawn remains unlocked.


L1: Registered
Aug 26, 2008
Hey, I just got this link of your map in my map thread [ame="http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?t=10188"]CP GoneinXseconds - TF2Maps.net[/ame]
Your map is a bit different (thank god it is :) ) But mine idea and yours overlap a bit, so I hope you can check out my map and give your thoughts.
I checked your map and think it is already cool and a cool idea, but got some remarks:
The doors are closed when the sirene goes off, I think they should be open until the sirene stops. Slowly closing is the best (like the big doors are doing) :).
I think the cap should be in the bombing area. But maybe play-testing says otherwize.
Visuals aspect are aweseom, very nice details! I hope my map is going to look like this :)