Okay, running through this map right now, this is what I have to say about it:
First things first, the colors in this map attracted me to download it. Even though I dont like the red fog against the blue skybox texture at all. And I really hope you are gonna do something about that skybox btw, it looks really fucked up and I hope u know it.
Also I noticed this in Blus spawn, ugly red fog is ugly
First thing that I noticed when picking up the transmitter was the dispenser beam, very nice idea. I like that alot.
And also, when carrying the flag and moving on I was about to jump over here, but then jumped right into.. a invisible wall? And fell and died.

Create something there so its noticed that you cant jump over there.
And speaking of falling into your death while carrying the flag, maybe you can use some kind of trigger or something that detects that if a player that carried the flag died in a area where other players
can not pick up the flag again, the flag timer (how long until reset) should then change to 1 second or less. So players dont have to wait around to get back into the game. Not sure if its possible, but hey, its worth the try!
When on my way the second point, I saw this, and I didnt see the glass at first, so I was like, omg, ill fall unless I walk on those support beams! So, maybe change the glass texture?
Now lets talk about stage 2. I really admire how you designed this area, you did the displacement all right and everything, great work!
Now whats this little black thing in the sea? I guess you have no clue? Well, this is a bug when a player is too high above water, you cant do anything about it then lowering the areas where this appears.
Also, I got stuck here:
So overall, its a excellent start, but the visual problems I mentioned are critical that you adjust, unless this is something you really want.
Great work so far!