Hey eerie, I may have found a big problem.
I've been running premuda_a6 for a week or 2 on my server now. Nominating and putting in map votes & convincing ppl in voice chat

. Players have had great games. Really enjoyed it, understood the lovely fishing vilage theme. Top comments all round. We love a good A/D ctf map @ festersplace.
Yesterday I played the first round with 30+ players, crashed on laoding the map, but might be a prob my end, rejoined & all was fine. We had a nice long 45 mins battle. No problems, no1 crashed. But thenon the nextmap(cp_follower). The sprites were screwed up (fire, rocket trails, blood). all players except 1 who had just joined had this sprite bug. I then thought server must need restart, rebooted server. Didnt fix, so it is definately a clientside issue. Once client restarted all was fine.
I decided to test this again later that evening. We put them map on again to test if it was. Had a great game, no crash on startup. We got to play all 3 stages and nearly won

. But alas when the next map(pl_dbheights) loaded the sprites were gone AWOL again. I just restarted client this time and all was fine.
I suspect it's an issue with the healing beam on the intel and being parented to a client. Clientlags, then the server lags and the healing beam sprite doesnt know where to display from and corrupts the file. Only a theory &

It's crazy o'clock
It's also possible that theres an incompatability with one of our server mods. I will be happy to help any way I can to help troubleshoot this lovely map.
Screenies below are the effects im talking about. More shots of effect & some unsewn disp i spotted whil exploring are in the rar too
Zip of screenies
Hope these help, keep up the good work! :thumbup: