Player Destruction Pipeline Stage 3

PD Player Destruction Pipeline Stage 3 rc6


L6: Sharp Member
Apr 17, 2017
Gotta say, this is looking pretty cool! The jump pads are also definitely a welcome addition. More Player Destruction maps are always welcome in my book, and I feel like this stage suits PD pretty well. Good choice! Honestly can't wait to test this map with my own server.

That being said, I did have some criticisms for this map. The ramps that the Payload Carts used to go up feel very... weird when they don't have anything on them. Perhaps you could turn them into stairs or detail them somehow that doesn't make them feel so blank? That's just my opinion though. I just think it looks a little odd with nothing on them.

The other thing in the skybox. I can kiiiiiinda see something in the distance, but the fog makes it hard to see anything. I kind of looks like the map just ends near the skybox, but if you squint hard enough you can kind of see something. I don't know, perhaps the fog could be lessened? Either way, the map definitely looks great so far! My criticisms are mostly just on the visuals. Good work on bringing new life to old maps!


I like frogs :3
Oct 5, 2020
-Reduced sightlines from the sniper platform
-Reduced battlements
-frozen the middle of the river
-tf_glow for control points
-extended door triggers
-blocked off roofs ontop of the battlement exit
-added the sussy man to the green room
-made mid cover extra thicc
-increased top level fences
-made windows always use warm glow
-removed alpha signs
-fixed ramp clipping

Read the rest of this update entry...


L6: Sharp Member
Apr 17, 2017
Hey again! Recently was able to test out the a33 version of this map with a server full of people. Seems people really liked it! This is honestly going to be a new go-to when it comes to choosing a Player Destruction map to play on, and it seems a lot of people had fun.

It seems a34 is also looking very good too! Using an announcer is very helpful, and having a prop glow to show off the current capture zone is also very helpful in making it easier to tell where the current capture zone is for people trying to find it.

However, with the new version, I noticed an issue that was unintentional. At least I assumed it was unintentional considering what was mentioned in the patch notes. When the "Waiting for Players" phase ends, the capture zone will move between all three locations, never being in the "Disabled" phase at all. Essentially, after the 30 seconds are up for that point, it will move to another point (which also causes the robot announcer to play two voice lines simultaneously, as one point will disable while another enables at the same time).

After a few times of the point moving though, it seems to fix itself... before eventually going back to the way it was before for some reason. Takes a couple minutes for this to happen though. If a video example of this issue in action is needed, feel free to let me know! I honestly love what you're doing with this map, and would love to help in any way I can.
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I like frogs :3
Oct 5, 2020
-Added 45 second timer to start of round
-Added console prop to mid so it is easier to tell with glow
-Fixed announcer saying both lines at once?
-minor clipping adjustments
Twas bit of a strange bug i had host_timescale on 14 and listened for a good 5 minutes and couldn't hear it even after restarting the round so it may be gone?

Read the rest of this update entry...
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L6: Sharp Member
Apr 17, 2017
Hello once again! This time I'll just make it short and sweet and ask; are the grates allowing blast damage through them intentional? The middle and top points both have grates that can be fired at underneath, dealing massive damage to people standing on the point up above. I find that this leads to Demomen and Soldiers sitting below the point, spamming up at the grates when people are trying to cap. Just figured I'd let you know if you weren't aware!


L6: Sharp Member
Apr 17, 2017
Glad to see the problem with the grates fixed! Though it seems the problem with there being no "Disabled" phase has returned. I can't seem to figure out what makes it happen, and it's very infrequent. Sometimes there will be a disabled phase, sometimes the spot will just swap between one to the other. No idea why it's like this, but it doesn't seem to interrupt gameplay too much. Just confuses people when it swaps instead of disabling outright.


L6: Sharp Member
Apr 17, 2017
Apparently I'm having people telling me that you can still inflict blast damage on the opposite side of the metal where the grates once were, on the top and middle deposit points. I'd suggest looking into it. I'm going to look into it myself to make sure it's not false reports, but I just wanted to mention it in case it's true! Might be that the brushes being used allow people to inflict blast damage through them.

Seems this was incorrect! Sorry for the false alarm. Loving the new update, and appreciate the existence of the announcer!
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I like frogs :3
Oct 5, 2020