
PL pl_tapline B5 packed (final)


L2: Junior Member
Aug 16, 2016
pl_tapline - Experimental tap-to-push-cart Payload map

This map was made for TFCL at the request for a 'tap the cart to push' payload mode. I have not worked on the map in a long time and I do not believe it will be used for the league.

With that being said, perhaps there is still hope for merriment to be had on the map and for further changes (leading to completion) with your help.


- Any member of the BLU team can activate the cart rolling forward by tapping it.
- The cart speed never goes above '1 person', even if all of BLU are rubbing up against it.
- RED team members can stop the cart by tapping up against it.
- Currently the cart does not rollback after a period of time.
- Version B1 has not been tested.

Changelog for pl_tapline_b1:

- The map is about 10% larger overall.
- Farther distance between 'A' and 'B'.
- The bridge between 'A' and 'B' is now covered with a sloped roof which you can stand on and access with any class.
- The 'shed' between 'B' and 'C' now is sloped in the opposite direction and has a pathway behind it.
- The side of the map with 'B' and 'C' is now higher than the rest of the map.
- The height of most structures have been raised.
- The flank route with the sniper window and dark room is closed at all entrances until 'A' is capped.
- New third initial spawn exit for BLU.
- There is no longer a height variation in the now old nightmare flank hallway and the doorway to RED spawn is now a one-way door for RED only.
- A new ramp to the left side of the bridge from RED side.
- A new entrance/exit to the far-corner flank route

Changelog for pl_tapline_b5:

- When RED taps the cart it begins the cart rollback.

- Increased radius of health cabinets in spawn.

- Changes to last: removed area under far-back walkway, added a new door and extra cover. Opened the roof a bit more.

- Added a balcony (and increased height) to the flank route by the waterfall. Added stairs to the rocky cliff near the waterfall as well to increase route options.

- Changed where the door under the 'B' building (the one with the weathervane) is positioned. Added a boat storage room where the doorway used to be. Added one more sniper fence to the rocky cliff.

- Increased the size of the balcony with the crates on it near the 'B' bridge entrance. Added stairs and moved terrain up so the balcony is easier to access.

- More changes to 'A': Added ramps to higher elevation near cargo crates. made the overall area slightly bigger.

- Opened up curved hallway that leads to 'A'. Changed sniper fence to a steel fence.

- New steel sniper fence near BLU spawn to help get to left-side route.

Album showing some changes with descriptions:
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L2: Junior Member
Aug 16, 2016
Thanks to the players in the EU IMP that gave great feedback.

Changelog for pl_tapline_b2:

- The nightmare one-way flank door now closes and locks after 'A' is capped.
- The map is about 10% larger overall.
- Farther distance between the cart start and 'A'.
- Farther distance between 'A' and 'B'.
- Closed up the back of the bridge and moved the entrance to the area under the 'B' sign to the right.
- New third initial spawn exit for BLU.
- Added a flank route on the bottom floor next to 'B' that leads behind the tall rocks closer to 'C'.
- Added a new ramp room that allows easier access to the bridge top for attackers.
- Removed the sniper fence that was making 'A' seem more like a hallway CP.
- The small bottom entrance to 'C' is now positioned differently and gives slightly more space for defenders.
- Added a raised area to the far left-side (from the defenders perspective) of the bridge to make it harder to reign over BLU forward spawn doors.
- Raised the height of the small forward BLU spawn door.
- The area that was once the farthest initial forward BLU spawn exit is now an area accessible by both teams.

Album showing general overview and some changes with descriptions:

Read the rest of this update entry...
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L2: Junior Member
Aug 16, 2016
I checked out the demo of the IMP today for b2 and it appears the general consensus is that it would be better off as a regular Payload map (it was fun trying out a new PL mode when making the map but it will be much easier to balance the map if it's regular PL). Look forward to classic Payload mechanics and no more broken HUD at the start of rounds before setup completes (among other fixes) in b3!

Thanks for all your continued help! ;)


L1: Registered
Feb 4, 2017
I checked out the demo of the IMP today for b2 and it appears the general consensus is that it would be better off as a regular Payload map (it was fun trying out a new PL mode when making the map but it will be much easier to balance the map if it's regular PL). Look forward to classic Payload mechanics and no more broken HUD at the start of rounds before setup completes (among other fixes) in b3!

Thanks for all your continued help! ;)

will you continue to balance it for 6s or its to going to be a pub or hl map now


L2: Junior Member
Aug 16, 2016
will you continue to balance it for 6s or its to going to be a pub or hl map now

The map was originally intended for 6s in the TFCL as requested by the league manager (I can't remember if the original tap-to-push cart idea was by the league manager; Sidular, or Saam) and I've had the map up for a while waiting for it to be tested on The interest has been very low. So starting with the current b2 version, the map is going to changed for pub/hl as needed as it's sad to have a map sit unplayed in purgatory.

b2 is an option to play on during Season 3 of TFCL. If it's ever chosen to try over the lovely metalworks (which I doubt), I will have some extra feedback.


L2: Junior Member
Aug 16, 2016
Some updates to the 'tap-to-push' version of tapline:

- When RED taps the cart it begins the cart rollback.

- Increased radius of health cabinets in spawn.

- Changes to last: removed area under far-back walkway, added a new door and extra cover. Opened the roof a bit more.

- Added a balcony (and increased height) to the flank route by the waterfall. Added stairs to the rocky cliff near the waterfall as well to increase route options.

- Changed where the door under the 'B' building (the one with the weathervane) is positioned. Added a boat storage room where the doorway used to be. Added one more sniper fence to the rocky cliff.

- Increased the size of the balcony with the crates on it near the 'B' bridge entrance. Added stairs and moved terrain up so the balcony is easier to access.

- More changes to 'A': Added ramps to higher elevation near cargo crates. made the overall area slightly bigger.

- Opened up curved hallway that leads to 'A'. Changed sniper fence to a steel fence.

- New steel sniper fence near BLU spawn to help get to left-side route.

Read the rest of this update entry...


47 crashes and counting
Jul 10, 2017
So... when I first opened the map... well, this is what i saw:

Seems you forgot to pack the map? because the these missing texture aren't supposed to be here... I'm pretty sure.

Otherwise, this map looks clean and cool, so Hope you figure out what happened with the packing.


L2: Junior Member
Aug 16, 2016
So... when I first opened the map... well, this is what i saw:

Seems you forgot to pack the map? because the these missing texture aren't supposed to be here... I'm pretty sure.

Otherwise, this map looks clean and cool, so Hope you figure out what happened with the packing.

Thanks for letting me know. Newer to using the latest version of Compile Pal and I didn't know you had to use it with the BSP file once compiled. Previously I did not have to do this. Can you let me know if the new version works correctly for you?


47 crashes and counting
Jul 10, 2017
No, it still seems to be missing textures, do you care to share the steps you take on compile pal?