
PL pl_stormguard A11


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
pl_stormguard - An (soon to be) alpine, industrial payload map!

pl_stormguard: an alpine, industrial themed payload map.
This map is currently in version A1, so all and any feedback about it is greatly appreciated!
View attachment 74084


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
This update brings:
*Flank routes and building interiors to the area between spawn and 1st!
*Improved lighting across parts of the map
*Slightly modified route

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we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
This update brings:
*Improved lighting throughout the map
*More flanks + building interiors between the 1st and 2nd capture points
*Added more track pieces to make it much clearer on where to go

What will probably come next update:
*Building interiors and flanks between the 2nd and last capture point!
*More minor layout tweaks (or possibly an entire rework of the last third)
*Red's spawnroom location may change

All and any feedback is greatly appreciated, no matter how harsh!

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Gordon Freeman

L1: Registered
Mar 13, 2018
Hey i think i found some weird glitch that happens when i capture the third point it stops and shows me the leader board then changes to a different map. It's kind of weird and confusing why it happens. I tried it twice and I got the same result. I'm not sure if I installed the map or what. I'm not sure if it happens in A1 or A2 but I know it happens in A3.
You know I do like the changes that you added the new routes and areas

Last point to make I think that you should add health and ammo boxes into as well because you can't really have fun without them and causes you to die quicker


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
Hey i think i found some weird glitch that happens when i capture the third point it stops and shows me the leader board then changes to a different map. It's kind of weird and confusing why it happens. I tried it twice and I got the same result. I'm not sure if I installed the map or what. I'm not sure if it happens in A1 or A2 but I know it happens in A3.
You know I do like the changes that you added the new routes and areas

Last point to make I think that you should add health and ammo boxes into as well because you can't really have fun without them and causes you to die quicker
Sorry about that! Something must have broken between A2 and A3. This should be fixed as soon as A4 is released, which will rework that general area.

Gordon Freeman

L1: Registered
Mar 13, 2018
Side note i converted the this map into a .vmf and then tried to fix it. It didn't go well... It crashed alot and decided to let you do it and also point that trying to fix a bug in a map is not easy. To be honest i should of know better. All i manage to do is look at the payload and notice one of the delays is 0.01 and the rest 0.00 but i think that is useless to know about.... hey in a later note that was me who changed that. i messed up alot in your map so i'll stop touching your map

PS I think I should of told you i decompiled your map as well
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we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
I've reworked the last third of this map - between the second cap and last!
*Reworked the last part of the map

All and any feedback is greatly appreciated! The more, the better!

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Gordon Freeman

L1: Registered
Mar 13, 2018
The glitch still freezes the game at the second pl point and switches map.
I'm not sure if this patched but failed or not got around to it yet.


Takes way to long to make and update maps
Jun 11, 2015
Did you forget to unhide some things when you compiled? A lot of the map is missing; there are no spawn doors (or respawn visualizers, for that matter), health or ammo packs, models, or anything else except for brushes, lights, the cart, and it's tracks. There also happens to be a few missing brushes, like in red's first spawn, and at the end.
To critique some other aspects: the map is very dark. There's almost no lighting outside, and the environment lighting isn't enough to adequately light the map. I'd suggest looking at nightfall or doublecross for some inspiration (I would also recommend reading through this resource for a bunch of handy tips on lighting). Also, after third, it seems like flanks are nigh-nonexistent. This is going to be hell for the attacking team, as Red can just plop down a handful of sentries and create an impenetrable wall. If you're having troubles coming up with layouts, I'd definitely suggest looking at other maps, and even taking blatant inspiration from them to learn how to make a good layout

Gordon Freeman

L1: Registered
Mar 13, 2018
I don't think that is the case but it might because i did decompiled the map and saw that he has triggers but no doors.


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
This update brings:
*A new flank route around the second capture point
*A new Red spawnroom at the end of the track!
*Spawndoors and visualisers on the spawn rooms
*Health and ammo packs placed around the map
*Slight lighting updates

As always, all and any feedback is greatly appreciated!

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we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
This update brings:
*More pickups around the map
*Slight track changes
*Moved cart away from walls and corners in some locations
*Bridges over the trench around last to help slower classes who can't jump the gap
*Flank added around last, connected up a flank with the area near last
*Added a building along the track between second and last to block a large sightline
*Added a new Blu spawn after second cap due to issues with switching to Red's first one
*Added resupply cabinets to the spawns (Don't know how I overlooked this)
*Moved one of the doors on Red's second spawnroom further away to combat spawncamping
*Added some signs to help guide Red and Blu players towards the cart
*Made better setupgates
*Made spawndoors open faster
*Lowered roof on one of the flanks
*Added a building near Red's first spawn, containing an area to quickly overlook the cart and to seperate the two spawn doors slightly
*Changed layout there slightly to break down a strong sightline
*Added a rock to help with that
*Rotated Red's second spawn spawning positions so you don't spawn facing a wall
*Added a rock near first to try and help break up the large, open area slightly
*Added trigger_hurts into the deathpits to combat the lack of death

As always, all and any feedback is greatly appreciated! Many thanks to everyone who gave feedback during testing yesterday.

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we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
This update brings:
*Some minor detailing!
*Ground textured
*Ramps have been textured and detailed
*One or two small walls have been added/textured
*Changed lighting and skybox so map is generally darker but more consistent in its lighting

As always, all and any feedback is greatly appreciated! Please let me know of any issues you find!

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we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
This update brings:
*A complete lighting overhaul thoughout the entire map!
*No more of those weird light splodges on walls halfway across the level from the lamp that casts them!
*No more dodgy shadows and ultra dark corners in rooms!
*No more horrible white lighting, now a lot nicer to play through the map (brightness will be tweaked based on feedback)
*Lots of signs throughout the map so the player knows exactly where to go!
*Track improvements!
*Added track models through the entire map
*Added rollback zones on the hills/ramps in the map
*A new Red spawnroom!
*Due to the fact that the cart went past Red's first spawnroom on the way to second, I moved Red back to a new spawnroom after 1st is capped due to how chokey that area was. Red now has 3 spawnrooms, moving back after each point is captured
*To make the map play better, I added windows throughout the map on some buildings.
*Some windows have wire in them; you can't shoot through them but you can see through them. This will hopefully allow teams to plan ahead a little better instead of rushing in blind
*Other windows are there to allow snipers more chances in gameplay. Other classes can shoot through these with a little more cover than doorways as well!
*Grenade block!
*Due to a strong area next to Red's first spawn where grenades could be spammed onto the 1st capture point, I have placed a blockade of sorts to stop that from happening
*Reworked the dropdown next to the raised exit from Blu's spawn and added a platform + doorway extending from the wall to help give some variation on that area
*Added patches under pickups to let you know where they can be found

Other minor changes:
*Slight changes on the texturing of the map
*Buildings added to the back of the deathpit next to Red's last spawn: Now looks much nicer without the white base of the skybox poking through!

There may be other things I have done which I have forgotten to put here (sorry!)

As always, all and any feedback is greatly appreciated on this map!

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we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
This update brings:
*The complete wipe of all the space after the 2nd capture point
*Completely new area after the 2nd cap
*This includes a new spawn and flanks around that area
*New dropdown next to Blu's first spawn to encourage some more flanking for spies
*Added curved corners on the track instead of the ugly, dual 45* turns
*Recoloured window frames to add some contrast
*Floors are now 20% reflectivity (over the previous 10%) to make it seem less like a 'maze' and to lighten rooms very slightly

This took quite a while as I had redone a large section of the original third section, even adding a new point, before deleting that all and rebuilding the last third from the ground up.

As always, all and any feedback is greatly appreciated!

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we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
This update brings:
*Layout updates
*Remade the interiors of some buildings
*Completely remade a building next to Blu's first spawn
*Added raised platforms around the first cap + a new building to add more cover and height difference
*Added some platforms and new buildings around the raised area between caps 1 and 2 + deleted a structure
*Added a new building next to Blu's first spawn
*Added a new flank route next to Blu's first spawn
*Did a detailing run over the map, feedback on it is greatly appreciated

The last capture point's general area is quite unfinished as I have no idea how to properly detail it or what structures to add.





All and any feedback is greatly appreciated as always!

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we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
This update brings:
*Clipping on the map! Now players won't get stuck on the few wood beams that I have sparsely detailed this map with!
*Windows now cannot be jumped through - feedback on this aspect is greatly appreciated
*Some areas have been kept clipped off - tell me if I should make them more obvious that they are inaccessable
*One or two areas are free for the player to go on, giving jump classes some nice height advantage!

As always, all and any feedback is greatly appreciated, especially due to how close the deadline is!
Last will come soon, I haven't forgotten about that, just got no good ideas as of now

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