I'm trying to make something similar to Snowycoast's gate near the last point, but I keep having issues with it.
I tried the following:
1. I set the team_control_point entity immediately before the gate to disable the next pathtrack, and have it open then gate. I set the gate to re enable the pathtrack OnFullyOpen.
2. I set the aforementioned team_control_point to disable the cart's push trigger and open the gate, and have the gate re enable the trigger OnFullyOpen again.
3. Repeat 1 and 2, but replace the team_control_point with the pathtrack that the cart passes over when it captures the point.
None of these worked; the gate opened propery, and the cart couldn't be pushed, yes, but once the gate fully opened, the cart couldn't be pushed ever again. On top of that, while the gate was opening, the cart's automatic roll-back timer (the 20 second one) could still appear if nobody was on the cart for a while, which is NOT supposed to be happening.
I'm running out of ideas and the only thing I can think to do now is a. make this thread and/or b. put the decompiled map for download and have somebody more experienced than me figure out how to do it for me and tell me how they did it.
I tried the following:
1. I set the team_control_point entity immediately before the gate to disable the next pathtrack, and have it open then gate. I set the gate to re enable the pathtrack OnFullyOpen.
2. I set the aforementioned team_control_point to disable the cart's push trigger and open the gate, and have the gate re enable the trigger OnFullyOpen again.
3. Repeat 1 and 2, but replace the team_control_point with the pathtrack that the cart passes over when it captures the point.
None of these worked; the gate opened propery, and the cart couldn't be pushed, yes, but once the gate fully opened, the cart couldn't be pushed ever again. On top of that, while the gate was opening, the cart's automatic roll-back timer (the 20 second one) could still appear if nobody was on the cart for a while, which is NOT supposed to be happening.
I'm running out of ideas and the only thing I can think to do now is a. make this thread and/or b. put the decompiled map for download and have somebody more experienced than me figure out how to do it for me and tell me how they did it.