
CTF Overlook rc

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Sep 12, 2008
New intel position!

Will release A3 tomorrow!


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
I strongly believe it should be out in the open as opposed to being tucked into a one-way room otherwise engineers are still going to lock it down with ease.
Sep 12, 2008
I strongly believe it should be out in the open as opposed to being tucked into a one-way room otherwise engineers are still going to lock it down with ease.

Hmm.. There are currently 3 entrances to the area for the attackers, and one for the defenders. I made the doorframe as big as possible to discourage building a sentryfarm inside. We'll see how it turns out.
Sep 12, 2008
Overlook Alpha n° 3 released!

Download link: http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=3116
(Dropbox mirror: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/642432/ctf_overlook_a3.bsp.bz2 )

  • Placed the intel closer to the mid, and thus easier to cap.
  • Removed window in spawns, but with the intel position changed, it doesn't matter anymore.
  • Added water in sewers with a deeper spot to extinguish fire.

Known issues/thoughts after a small test:
  • Lower-Middle routes, also known as the sewers, are too easy to use to cap the intel, especcially as scout.
  • Intel position is better now.
  • Too many routes leading directly towards the intel.

What to do?
  • Bring back window in spawn, i liked it!
  • Change the sewers so that the exit isn't right in front of the intel.


Now, about the sewers; should i move them to an other location, remove them or make them a dropdown so that you can't get up, but only down?

Let me hear what you think after you've played it! I'll make sure there are some playtests.



Ravin' Rabbid
Jan 18, 2009
The sewers are always going under the whole map, makes it easy to not get hurted and cap the intel easily.

I think you should let the sewers and earlier, so there is a bigger gap in the middle = less cover. No? D:


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
It felt like it was too easy to get to the flag due to the number of paths leading to the base but I'm passing judgement until I play it with higher player counts.


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 6, 2009
Really like this map, and I've played it like, 4 times this week, but I'm getting tired of posting about maps so excuse me for making this short. Assume everything I don't mention is good.:

- There's a "hole" in the tunnels under the bridge, in the water. A square hole. I'm not sure if you meant for it, but it is painfully annoying to get out of it once you're in, and since it's under water you're prone to walking in it accidentally. Doesn't seem to be a good reason to be there to begin with, so...flatten it out IMO.

- The spawn only has 1 exit. This is painful. This is painful because once you're getting spawn camped you pretty much stay spawn camped unless the other team messes up. This is exceptionally painful since you have a path that bypasses any flag defenses and goes directly into the spawn, keeping the enemies fairly safe. 2 spawn doors are pretty much the norm. As Cpt. Piccard would say: Make it so.

- A single sentry can pretty much cover all entries into the flag. I'm not sure how bad this is considering it's not exactly the hardest spot to destroy, but it's worth noting in further playtests.

- Not a lot of vertical fight options. Doesn't have to be, not all maps have vertical combat, just noting that most of the combat is "horizontal".

Overall the map has a "doublecross but smaller" feeling to it. Not bad, looking forward to more.


Ravin' Rabbid
Jan 18, 2009
That 6v6 test was really fun yesterday. Only bad thing was that I couldn't do anything anymore as a scout because there was a sentry gun in the enemies base which was very hard to take down for our team. I'm not sure if you HAVE to fix it, because otherwise it might get too easy to cap.


Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
The sewers are pretty easy to use and few players actually go down there. All you need is a rocket at the end to get you back up and you're right at the enemy intel. It's a good alternate route, but it might need some work.


Jan 6, 2008
Getting better. I like pretty much everything about it, but as I mentioned, I don't like how the sewers are dead ends now. I didn't like the short route before either though. I think a bigger redesign might be needed.
Sep 12, 2008
Last edited:
Sep 12, 2008
Why did you detail red's spawn room but not blu's? D:

Good question. Actually, I'm not happy with how the red spawn looks, so i want to be 100% sure before i do the blu side too. Also, forgot to mention, i changed the drop timer to 20 secs (came from 1 minute). I'm editing the Original Post right now.